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Advice For Overwhelmed Empaths and Psychics

Overwhelmed - by Elena Covalciuc Vieriu
Overwhelmed – by Elena Covalciuc Vieriu

“Every time you make a commitment to your own self-care, self-love and self-respect and then follow through, you build trust in yourself.”
~ Miranda J. Barrett


The difficult thing about being empathic or psychic is that most of us can’t turn it off.

Some days that’s fine. We feel strong, and we can roll with it. You know what I’m talking about. When you are well centred and emotionally strong, when your energy is high and you’re feeling great, then it is easy enough to cope with difficult situations, troubled relationships, needy people. Things roll off you. You don’t take life personally. You don’t bring it in under your skin.

But sometimes as empaths or psychics our energetic skin becomes so thin that everything affects us. Maybe we haven’t had enough sleep. Perhaps we’ve had a shock or an upset. Or we’ve simply had so long immersed in the mega-sensory space that our lives entail, that we’ve reached sensory overload.

When that happens, emergency measures are needed. We need to redefine boundaries and self-care.

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Here are my top ten tips for protecting yourself from further burden, and allowing yourself to come back to balance again. I’ve learned all of this the hard way, and I know that it works.

  1. Don’t watch the news on television, or news clips on you-tube, facebook or other social media. Don’t listen to it on the radio. When you’re already fragile, any kind of trauma can put you over the edge.
  2. Avoid movies or television that portray violence, aggression, struggle or pain. You’re an open wound. You’ll take this in too, and feel and process it as though it’s your own. Turn it all off. Don’t go there.
  3. Don’t answer the phone. If the thought of talking to that person makes you uneasy or if you feel you need to force yourself to pick up, then don’t do it. Don’t put yourself in that position while you’re vulnerable. Speak to them when your boundaries are strong again. Now, it will only make things worse. You know it. Don’t do it.
  4. Avoid crowded and noisy places. You’re a raw nerve, friend. What you need is sanctuary, not stimulation.
  5. Turn down the invitation. Don’t go out of duty. Spend some quiet time at home. When you’re overwhelmed everything is harder. You may well put yourself further down the hole in an effort not to let others down. This time, put yourself first.
  6. Rest. Read a book, watch a gentle movie, spend time lying on the bed or sitting in the sun. Cuddle loved ones and pets. Nap often. Lavender essential oil on your temples, back of neck, and soles of feet,
  7. Sip warm tea, and eat simple warm foods. Cold and raw are harder for the body to digest. Warm soothes shock. It nurtures and comforts. If it’s furiously hot weather, drink fluids at room temperature, or sip tea anyway. A little sweetener is fine, and often helps.
  8. Let go of plans and commitments for a few days. Empty or reschedule your calendar. Simplify everything. You need space and time for this energy to clear, and to become strong again.
  9. Ground yourself. Crystals are fabulous for this, and one of my favourite is black tourmaline. Followed by rose quartz for nurture. Some good suggestions for grounding stones here.
  10. Epsom Salts Baths. This gets magnesium into our central nervous system fast, soothing our frazzled body and clearing our aura. Details about how to make your own epsom salts bath here.

Meditation is also a good tool for self-care. Here are some of my favourites:

Remember, being psychic and empathic is normal! Don’t ever feel bad for being this way. Instead, learn to manage yourself and your sensitivity. Be kind to yourself.

Sending lots of love your way, <3 Nicole xoxo

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