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30 Things That Changed When I Took An Unplugged Day Every Week

2016-04-07 17.33.59

“My imagination functions much better when I don’t have to speak to people.”
~ Patricia Highsmith


In January this year I made an important decision. I have a life where I am almost always on call. Always connected and reachable. Always busy. Even though I work for myself and love my work, and I certainly don’t work every hour of every day, I had reached a point where I was doing some kind of work every day.

So this year I decided to make a change and designated Sunday as my unplugged day.

I made some simple rules for this unplugged day:

I admit that it was awkward at first. I was jonesing to check my emails. Or my facebook feed. Or to use my time to catch up on work.

And I did an awful lot of sleeping on my first few Sundays off.

Did I mention the guilt at not being productive?

But after a month or so I settled into having this space just for me and my loved ones. I began to look forward to Sundays. And this is what I discovered:

  1. I began to hear and know my own voice again
  2. I slept better
  3. I began to remember who I was before I got so busy
  4. My priorities changed
  5. My garden got some love
  6. I enjoyed being with my partner rather than resenting him for constantly interrupting my work, or feeling guilty for setting aside work to be with him
  7. During the work week I found myself refreshed and ideas came more easily
  8. There was time for me to do the things I love
  9. There was time to do nothing, if that was what I felt like doing
  10. I began to dream about my future, and to make plans more aligned with my soul energy rather than just a business blueprint
  11. My creativity began to flow again
  12. I began to take better care of my health
  13. I let go of relationships that I’d held on to because of duty or habit or fear of loss
  14. I felt better about myself and my place in the world
  15. I became more content with myself and my life
  16. I was more confident in my decision-making
  17. I connected more deeply with nature
  18. I connected more deeply with my creative projects
  19. I lost interest in constantly checking social media on days other than Sunday
  20. I became more aware of time wasters in my daily life
  21. I needed less stuff and less stimulation
  22. I became more mindful
  23. I began to see relationships more clearly once I got a little thinking space. I saw that some needed more love and time, and others were draining me while giving me nothing in return.
  24. I created more and consumed less
  25. I felt happier
  26. I began to perceive myself differently
  27. My life began to flow better and all manner of synchronicities occurred, or maybe I was just in the space to finally notice them
  28. I read more
  29. I napped and felt good about napping
  30. I began to understand that one unplugged day wasn’t enough and began creating stronger boundaries in my daily life

Enough time has passed now that I am confident in recommending a totally unplugged day to you too. You might be equally surprised and satisfied with your own outcomes.

Much love, Nicole <3  xx

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