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Valentine Cupcake Oracle – A Reading for Love!


We accept the love we think we deserve.” 
~Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Hello, Lovelies.

Valentine’s Day has a wonderful sentiment – that we should celebrate love and lovers, that we should name the emotions that often sit silent in our heart.

But why have just one day for the celebration of love?  Why not live with that sense of appreciation and joy every day! And of course, it’s not just for the young, for couples, and for romantic love.  Love is an emotion that is available to us all.

Today’s blog gives you a mini-reading about love, in many different forms. It’s not a fortune-telling exercise for finding a soul mate, instead, it’s about letting more love into your life. All you need to do is scroll through the pictures of my Valentine Cupcakes, and choose the one that appeals to you most. Then go further down the page to read the meaning of the cake you have chosen.

♥♥♥ Love, love, love to you, Nicole xoxo ♥♥♥

Today’s Cupcake Selection

1. Luscious Lovelies!


2. Heart-Shaped Happiness

3. Delicious Decadence

4. Monster Love

5. Coming Up Roses

6. Beautiful Blooms

7. Cacao Indulgence

8. Secret Desires

♥ The Love Message and Gift of each Cupcake ♥

Each Valentine Cupcake has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your cupcake.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here) The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.

Luscious Lovelies – Bling and Beauty! It’s time to feel good about yourself and your surroundings. Take pride in your appearance. Have a facial, or treat yourself to a haircut. Paint your toenails a pretty colour, or buy yourself a new outfit. Tidy a corner of your home, put a bunch of fresh flowers on the table, or anything else that lifts your spirit and makes you feel good.  *If you’re in a relationship, or happy on your own, spend your time making yourself feel good. If you’re single think of joining an internet dating site or a dinner group – it’s time to put yourself out into the world.  ♥ Best Crystal – Citrine  ♥ Power Word – Colour  Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere that uplifts you.  A salon or day spa, an art gallery or favourite cafe, a florist shop or a beautiful garden.

Heart-Shaped Happiness – Acknowledging the love that’s already in your life. Spend time with the important loves of your life. It might be your partner, a best friend, a family member or a pet. We sometimes take the love of others for granted.  What can you do to let another know that you value and appreciate them? Don’t forget quality time for yourself too! *If you’re in a relationship, honour and celebrate your togetherness. If you’re happily single, dwell on the things you like about yourself and the things and activities you are grateful for in your life. If you’re looking for love, get clear about what your values are, and what you’re looking for in a partner.  Don’t settle for second best.  Best Crystal – Rose Quartz   Power Word – Gratitude  Magical Healing Environment – Togetherness, wherever that works best for you.  Cuddles, time together over a meal or a coffee, phone calls, a movie, spending time doing something you used to love to do but don’t get time for anymore.

Delicious Decadence – Adventures in Sensuality.  There is so much need for some pleasure and sensuality in your life right now. Explore tastes and textures, indulge all of your senses, make time for massages, lovemaking, dancing and beautiful food. Buy yourself some gorgeous underwear, perfume or body lotion. Let yourself come alive again. *For couples, find ways to bring magic back into your relationship. For happily singles, nurture and nourish your senses.  If you’re looking for love, embrace your sensual side. Think about what pleasure means to you, and get comfortable with it!   Best Crystal – Garnet   Power Word – Feel   Magical Healing Environment – anything that reconnects you to your senses.  Bubble baths, clean sheets, music, dancing, lying in dappled sunlight on soft green grass, ocean swims, perfume and cologne, warm embraces, patisseries and chocolate shops.

 Monster Love – The Call to Create.  Love expresses itself often through creativity. What do you love to do? Or a better question, what did you ‘used to love to do’? Reacquaint yourself with lost loves, be that art, craft, music, foods, hobbies, places or activities. Make room for a creative project in your life, or at least rub shoulders with creative spaces for a while. *For couples, find a common creative interest and go do that thing together. For happily singles make room in your life for something that gives you creative joy. For those of you looking for love, join a group or class that supports a creative interest. And watch out for pregnancies – the ultimate form of creativity!  Best Crystal – Fluorite   Power Word –  Explore   Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere that gets you in that creative mood. Hardware stores, book stores, craft supply shops, kitchen stores, the library, or wherever you can make, create and play.

Coming Up Roses – Old Fashioned Pleasures. Think romance, think fun, think things and activities that make you happy, especially from your past. Did you adore the music of the eighties, black and white movies, roller skating? Allow yourself the gift of time to relax, unwind and take a trip down memory lane. Love can often be found in the pages of a photograph album, or a record collection. *Couples, go hang out in a place that reminds you of happy times from your beginnings. Happily singles, indulge in some sentimentality and happy nostalgia. If you’re single, make room for a new relationship by creating a space that truly honours and reflects who you are. Be prepared for wonderful new friendships and a little romance. ♥ Best Crystal – Moonstone   Power Word – Remember  Magical Healing Environment – Time for yourself and your interests. Catch up with friends and family, take time to revisit happy aspects of your past, do things you used to enjoy, visit places that hold fond memories.  If it’s appropriate take a friend who shares those memories too.

Beautiful Blooms – Celebration and Reward  Think of something you really want to do. This year’s the year to make it happen. But don’t just plan and action your idea. Think of how you can reward yourself for completing this dream. Plan your time of celebration and reward. *For couples, talk about your future, and plan a holiday or something meaningful. Happily singles – be bold in deciding what you want, and equally bold in considering your rewards.  For those of you seeking love, set your sights high and know that this is the year you can make your romantic dreams come true.  Best Crystal – Tiger Eye   Power Word – Goals   Magical Healing Environment – Time On Your Own.  Plan out your future, a future that you’ll love. Spend time thinking about what positive changes you can make in your life and know that the Universe is supporting you to do so.

Cacao Indulgence – Comfort, Cuddles and Candlelight.  It’s time to do some serious nurture – of yourself, and of your relationship, if you’re in one. Think cuddles, snuggles and time together.  Think hand-holding, curling up on the couch together, and romantic get-aways. Think rest, renewal and revitalisation. *For couples, get cosy! Hug one another and be kind and generous with compliments and gratitude. For happily singles, treat yourself to a good book and some doona time, cuddles with your pets, and lots of lovely rest and nurture. If you’re looking for love, spend time visualising how wonderful it will be to have someone to cherish, and who cherishes you. Let yourself dream a little!  Best Crystal – Rhodochrosite   Power Word – Adore  Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere that gives rest, nurture and comfort.  A mountain or beach getaway, a picnic hamper and a rug, a weekend in bed just because you can.

Secret Desires – Bringing Your Dreams to Life.  What makes your heart sing? Inside you is something so important, so private and around which there is such longing. Don’t be afraid. Open your heart. It’s time! *For couples, share those secret dreams. Make room in your life for new possibilities. If you’re happy on your own, spend time journalling and making room for these ideas to surface. For those of you seeking soul mates, allow yourself to hope.  Imagine your future with your own dreams and room to share them with someone special. ♥ Best Crystal – Green Aventurine  ♥ Power Word – Passion ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Time to connect with your heart and emotions.  Give yourself permission to dream, and to honour your most sacred plans. It’s time to live your best life.


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