Thai Pumpkin Soup Recipe

2013-08-29 19.01.27

“I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

It’s been a big year for pumpkins. Friends and neighbours have all enjoyed a bumper harvest, and we’ve been gifted many of these versatile vegetables.

This yummy pumpkin soup recipe is my go-to when I’m tired and don’t feel like cooking. It’s quick to make, filling and delicious. The Thai flavours give it a lovely lift, and it freezes and reheats very well too.

Ingredients to serve 4 as a main meal:

8 cups of diced raw pumpkin – seeded and peeled; 1 x large onion – chopped; 2 x tablespoons of ready-made Thai Red Curry Paste; 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, butter or ghee; 1 x 270ml can of coconut cream – I really like the flavour of the Ayam brand, plus it is completely free of sugar, preservatives etc; 1 to 2 cups of good chicken stock or vegetable stock if you’re vegan (or use your favourite stock cubes/powder and water); 1 large kaffir lime leaf (this is optional and there is no substitute, but it imparts a heavenly flavour); 1 x fresh lime; 1 to 2 teaspoons of fish sauce – the fish sauce doesn’t make the soup taste ‘fishy’ at all, and gives a salty complex flavour (if you don’t have fish sauce or are vegan use a grind or two of salt instead ); fresh coriander (cilantro) chopped; fresh red chilli – deseeded and chopped; coconut or natural yoghurt.


Place the chopped onion, pumpkin, oil and curry paste in a large saucepan. Stir over medium heat until fragrant – about 2 minutes. Spoon in the can of coconut cream and enough chicken stock to cover the pumpkin. Pop in your kaffir lime leaf and bring to the boil then reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes or until the pumpkin is soft.

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Remove kaffir lime leaf and discard. Cool soup slightly and then puree using a stick blender or food processor. If you don’t own one, then mash the pumpkin well with a potato masher – the soup will just be a little more textured from the pieces of onion.

Return to pot and reheat, adding in your fish sauce (or salt) to taste. If the soup is too thick, thin with a little more stock.

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To serve, ladle into bowls. Spoon a generous dollop of coconut or natural yoghurt on top, and sprinkle with some coriander and chilli. Lastly, give the soup a good squeeze of fresh lime juice.

Serve on its own, or with a good bread. We usually eat this with lashings of hot buttered sourdough toast.

It is a meal very much enjoyed by one-eyed pirates! 😉

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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