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What’s your Power Word for 2014?

Image from Inside The Gate
Image from Inside The Gate

“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” 
~ Socrates


I long ago gave away the practice of multiple New Years Resolutions. Just the thought of it overwhelms me. You know; all the things you are going to do, all the things you are no longer going to do – and then dividing those up into areas  for finances, family, health, spirituality, matters of the heart, interests and hobbies, professional and personal development, global domination and so on.

Living with Lyme I have so little energy to waste on superfluous things. And lists like that exhaust me.

Last year I ditched the concept of resolutions altogether and went with a far simpler system. I narrowed my resolutions down to one word. A Power Word.

In 2013, my power word was HEALTH.

For 2014 my power word is PROSPER.

Every time I think of my word I am reminded of my intentions for 2014. I can hold up the word PROSPER and use it to evaluate my actions and decisions so that I may determine if I am moving towards or away from the energy of this word, this quality I want more of in my life.

Prosper to me is not actually anything to do with money, although money is a part of prosperity. To prosper is to add to, to succeed, to do well, to thrive.

With every action, choice or decision I make in 2014 I can now ask myself if it will prosper or diminish me.

Image from Richard Kong – And yes, I know it’s very Star Trek, which is one of the reasons it delights me! 🙂

It’s so easy to be guided by my power word. I simply think of my word and then apply it to any situation:

Will this meal prosper me (support my health and my healing efforts) or diminish (sabotage, weaken or lessen) me?

Will a nap prosper me or reduce me?

Will exercise today prosper me or weaken me?

Which of these work activities shall prosper me most, today and in times to come?

I’m thrilled with my power word. I know it’s going to help keep me focused and on track this year.

Now let’s work out what your word is.


Image from Erin Feldman

Finding your Power Word for 2014 is simply a matter of exploring what’s important to you. Is there a recurrent theme in your life you’d like to put more attention to, an area you’d like to shine in, or a dream that never gets air time?

Use the following Questions to help you arrive at your own Power Word or Power Phrase ( a Power Phrase has more than one word!)

  1. What’s the one key area of your life, that if you put purpose, passion and action to, would move you to a better place by the year’s end? Only choose one area. If you actually make all the change and improvement you need before the year is finished you can give yourself a well-deserved break, or choose another word!
  2. If you had this change in your life, what would your life look like?
  3. Write a list of positive words and phrases that embody for you the quality, activities, knowledge and actions of this key area.
  4. Choose one simple word or phrase that sums up this energy for you.

Once you have your Power Word, commit it to memory. Write it in your diary. Place it on post-it-notes around your house, make it your screen saver – in short immerse yourself in this word, and the meaning of this word for you.

Let this one word remind you about what’s important to you this year.  Let this one word help you define and transform your life!

Image from Under the Blue Door
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