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Stop Second-Guessing Yourself!

“I was afraid to be confident for a long time. I had to quit second guessing everything because I worried so much about being wrong or worse, offending anyone. It was never intentional, but I wasted far too much energy and time holding myself back.”

~ Emilyann Allen

Hey, Lovelies,

I have a short but important message for you today.


Second-guessing happens when you question a decision you’ve already made.

It’s one of the worst mistakes I see when someone is learning to trust their intuition.

Have you ever done that? You get a really strong, clear message. You feel how right it is, right down to your bones, even if you can’t explain WHY you know.

And then your brain kicks in, and questions everything. With no evidence to support your intuition you cave in and let your brain win.

Your brain then turns out to be wrong.

Ah! There’s nothing more frustrating than having made the right choice, only to talk yourself out of it!

So, today I’m asking you to back yourself. When your intuition and inner wisdom show you a direction, or guide you with feelings and insight, trust that. Once your decision is made, stick with it and don’t let anyone, especially yourself, talk you out of it.

Intuition’s like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. And it starts with trusting yourself a little more on the small things, so you can work up to being confident with the big things.

Much love, Nicole xx

Make 2020 A Powerful Year Of Growth

My much-loved Planner is now in its fifth year of production, and 2020 is the most beautiful and content-rich book we’ve ever produced.  This 368-page book is a spiritual toolkit disguised as a diary & planner. Learn to tap into your intuition, honor your heart’s path and calling using skills like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, self-care, intuitive card reading, energy work, and much more.

There are 52 pages of rituals, information and activities to start your year right. Read about the energies of 2020 and how to make the most of them. The Planner is then divided into Quarters, each with a theme to support you. Each month starts with guidance for the energies ahead, and suggestions for crystals, gemstones and essential oils. After each Quarter you’ll find a review to help you learn, grow and plan.

To support your purchase there is also a Free Online Course, available December 1, 2019 in our new Journeymaker’s Academy. Learn with me as I show you how to review 2019 and learn from the year, choose a project and habit for 2020, do a 10 card tarot or oracle card spread to guide you for the year ahead, and then create a plan for 2020 that is workable and supportive. No prior experience is needed. I’ll teach you everything you need to know with the free course that accompanies your Planner. You’ll learn to work with our monthly money tracker, Sunday planning sessions, weekly tarot or oracle card, habit and goal setting, reviews, coping skills, lightwork, meditations, affirmations.

And for every Planner sold, ten trees will be planted, to give back to Mother Earth.

To order the Planner choose one of the links below:

Amazon USA (for all sales outside Australia)

Amazon Australia (for Australian sales only)

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