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Please, Be Kind

Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.

George Sand

Hello, Lovelies.

My wise grandmother always used to say, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all”.

In these uncertain times of climate change, extreme weather events, the pandemic, economic hardship, lockdowns and elections there has been much division, much name-calling, much ridicule and hate speech and judgement. So much. Too much. None of that is helpful. None of that is healing.

But you CAN do something.

Let the change start with you.

Radiate calm. Radiate peace. Listen. Speak words of inclusion and connection. De-escalate. Come from a place of love and kindness. Show respect to all. Find practical ways to support others. Walk away from fights. Turn the other cheek to name-calling. Be a calm warrior, centered in your heart. Start in your own home, your own street, your own workplace. It all matters. Character matters. Kindness matters. Inclusion matters.

When we stop fighting, and start listening, healing happens.

Love, hugs and hope, Nicole xx

Join today’s Colour and Cuppa Session

Our theme today is is ‘Friendship’. We’ll be talking about the importance of friendship, and the different kinds of friends that come into our lives, including friends we may have connection to from past lives. We’ll also discuss friendships with animal companions and the natural world. I’ll conclude the session with a guided meditation to help you draw friendship into your life.

The ‘Friendship – Colour and Cuppa’ gathering will be at 3 PM Brisbane time on Tuesday 10 November (which may be 9 November where you live). To support people in other time zones we are scheduling these live events at various times throughout the year so you can find one that works for you. It’s completely free to join us, and we’ll be holding this gathering via Zoom. All of the details and the link will be in our Facebook Group, The Journeymakers, prior to the event.

If you’re not already a member you can join here:

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