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I’m Going On A Pilgrimage

The purpose of a pilgrimage is about setting aside a long period of time in which the only focus is to be the matters of the soul. Many believe a pilgrimage is about going away but it isn’t; it is about coming home. Those who choose to go on pilgrimage have already ventured away from themselves; and now set out in a longing to journey back to who they are.

Many a time we believe we must go away from all that is familiar if we are to focus on our inner well-being because we feel it is the only way to escape all that drains and distracts us, allowing us to turn inward and tend to what ails us. Yet we do not need to go to the edges of the earth to learn who we are, only the edges of ourself.

 L.M. Browning

Hello, Lovelies.

Just a short post today, to let you know that I will be on a pilgrimage for the next few days.

November is a month well-suited to spiritual pilgrimage (read about that here), and as this challenging year draws to a close I find I am in need of some solitude, space and silence. Just a few days, to top up the tank, to catch my breath, to find the centre of myself again, and to expand my edges.

I’ll see you on my return. There will be no blog post tomorrow, and perhaps no blog post on Saturday, but I’ll be back at my desk, recharged and renewed come Monday.

Love, prayers, and possibilities, Nicole xx

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