Easy Easter Treats to Make

Image from www.just-spotted.com
Image from www.just-spotted.com

“Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.”  ~ Charles M. Crowe

Hooray.  After a huge 14 hours of sleep I have woken feeling revived, optimistic and ready to cook!  We have a CWA Fundraising Cake Stall in Bangalow tomorrow morning, and I am making some Easter treats to contribute.  If you’re down our way, holidaying in Byron Bay or heading off to Bluesfest, why not pop in and say hi?

I thought I’d share some of the recipes I’m making. Don’t worry if you’re not an experienced cook – these recipes are EASY, tasty and lots of fun, and there’s plenty of ways to get the kids involved too.  Giving home-made treats at Easter is a lovely heart-felt gift.

Or of course you could just eat them all yourself!

Here’s my Best Coconut Ice Recipe – a creamy concoction with the perfect texture and flavour.  This has won me many prizes at our local and State Agricultural Shows!


I’ll also be making Homemade Rocky Road which is a simple concoction of chocolate, jellies, marshmallows and nuts – all that is required is a little melting and stirring!

rocky road

You can’t have Easter without Marshmallow Treats – some pretty eggs for the kids, and a few batches of traditional marhsmallows for the grown ups.  This marshmallow recipe is gluten-free and perfect for people who also need dairy free and chocolate free. 🙂




Or you could try your hand at a few batches of sinfully good and incredibly easy Five Minute Fudge, which really does take a mere five minutes to whip up, and probably less time to devour!




I encourage you to give these recipes a try.  Hopefully some of them will become an Easter Tradition in your household too.

Much love to you, ♥ Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

8 thoughts on “Easy Easter Treats to Make

  1. Ooooh, and now I think well, that isn’t that much further than our lunch function (Tugun) but alas I’m going to have to be sensible (given the 8 hours driving we have on the cards today too lol) otherwise I’d be caving in and buying my sugar addiction right up 🙂 .
    Soooo, glad the sleep helped. Always amazes me how much a good, long and solid sleep can help make you feel brand new upon waking (I liken it to a wind up toy requiring that extra long key recharge).

    Mmmmm, marshmallow. The should or shouldn’t devils come to land on my shoulder now. Given I too have been working on my collage (& alas sugary foods didn’t make an appearance lol).

  2. Dearest Nicole, I am so happy that you are feeling better than yesterday. A bit of moon howling…and sleep… can work wonders. May you continue to feel better & better. Lots of love to you xxx

  3. Oh Nicole everything looks amazing! I wish I could reach into the computer and sample it all! Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better!
    Happy Easter to you and yours 🙂 !!

  4. Great to read you are feeling alive again. Thanks for the walk down memory lane-Mum used to make all of those for fetes etc especially the coconut ice and the marshmallows treats. I look and remember the tastes as they don’t match my eating plan 🙂 If we decide to head south over the next few days will let you know. Making Your Life Work -I have finally got into the swing- doing the meditation daily and getting clarity thank you now to make the what’s good for me collage
    Happy Easter namaste love you soul sista xxoo

    1. Have fun collaging!
      I’m on a similar eating plan to you, Suzie, but it won’t stop me cooking an insane amount of sugar-fueled madness for my CWA cake stall tomorrow. Oh, and some gluten-free treats as well. Sugar sells, honey!!! LOL

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