Homemade Easter Treats

Image from olddesignshop.com
Image from olddesignshop.com

“Hedwig didn’t return until the end of the Easter holidays. Percy’s letter was enclosed in a package of Easter eggs that Mrs. Weasley had sent. Both Harry’s and Ron’s were the size of dragon eggs, and full of home-made toffee. Hermione’s, however, was smaller than a chicken’s egg. Her face fell when she saw it.
“Your mum doesn’t read Witch’s Weekly, by any chance, does she, Ron?” she asked quietly.
“Yeah,” said Ron, whose mouth was full of toffee. “Gets it for the recipes.”
Hermione looked sadly at her tiny egg.”
~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Easter is almost here! Ben and I will be gumboot dancing at Bluesfest again this year – a brilliant world-class blues and roots festival here in our home town of Byron Bay. Maybe we’ll see you there.

For those of you who enjoy cooking or who are looking for some easy ideas for Easter gifts, I’ve pulled together a collection of recipes that you can use to make homemade treats for your family and friends. They are all simple enough for beginner cooks and kids in the kitchen.

To access the recipe, just click on the blue link and it will take you to the recipe page.

Easter Treats:

For easy and delicious marshmallows try this marshmallow recipe.

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For a tasty treat that is gluten free and can also easily be made sugar free, try these Walnut and Dark Chocolate Coconut Bites.


This No Bake Yummy Slice combines chocolate with nuts, seeds and dried fruit. It’s irresistibly good and simple enough for the kids to make.

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Five Minute Fudge lives up to its name, being able to be whipped up in no time at all. Easy as! But gee, it sure is delectable.

fudge (1)


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

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