No-Bake Yummy Slice Recipe

2013-06-26 17.05.21

“When all else fails, take a vacation.” 
~ Betty Williams

It’s school holidays here in Queensland, and this it the perfect easy slice to make.  In fact this recipe is so easy that the kids will have a batch of these whipped up faster than you can say “you’ll like this – it has chocolate in it!”

I’d love to have a more inventive name for this slice, but for years it has just been referred to as Nicole’s Yummy Slice.  It’s a delicious combination of apricots, nuts, oats, seeds and a dash of chocolate, and there’s no baking involved at all – just a little heating of a few wet ingredients.  This slice has been a stalwart at my workshops, and it’s a great standby recipe for school holidays, or as a lunchbox treat.  I also like to give it as a gift. It makes an ample batch, which is handy because it seems to get eaten very fast.


Place the following in a large bowl:  3 cups of rolled oats, 1 cup of unsweetened desiccated coconut, 1/2 cup of sesame seeds, 1 and 1/2 cups (200 grams) of chopped dried apricots, 3/4 cup of pepitas (pumpkin seeds), 1 cup of flaked almonds (100 grams), 1 and 1/4 cups of milk chocolate chips (250 grams)

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Place the following into a saucepan: 200 grams butter cut into cubes, 1/2 cup of soft brown sugar, 1/2 cup of crunchy peanut butter, 1/2 cup of honey


Use baking paper to line a 20cm by 30cm slab tin ( 8 inch by 12 inch).

Stir the dry ingredients together until well mixed.

Melt the wet ingredients together over medium heat, stirring so that it doesn’t catch on the  bottom and burn. When it is all melted, pour over the dry ingredients and mix well.

Dump into the tin and smooth out well, using the back of a spoon or a clean hand, which has been dipped in water so that the ingredients don’t stick to you!

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Refrigerate until firm, cut into squares and demolish!  Goes well with a glass of milk, a cup of tea or coffee or just on its own.  Enjoy 🙂

2013-06-26 17.03.06

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

25 thoughts on “No-Bake Yummy Slice Recipe

  1. love this slice Nicole, thanks, i’m using goji berries today & no sesame seeds so using more wet – tahini….mmmm! hey maybe i should add a bit more of dry to even it up……..
    using coconut sugar & molasses too !

  2. wonderful….i think i will try this with almond butter and coconut oil instead of butter! maybe substitute coconut sugar and cacao nibs too. thanks nicole…..looks wonderful!

  3. Going to make these with my daughter, they sound yummy, and a good excuse for some Mum and Daughter time; and I hope that you don’t mind my re-blogging this on my family time page….
    Thanks for sharing

  4. Yummy. I am vegan and I try to stay away from PB too, but I bet almond butter would be good and then replacing the butter for coconut oil would be delish! Might have to try this. :). Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. I’ve substituted almond butter before very successfully, and used a plant-based butter substitute, and coconut oil. All of them worked well. It’s a very hard slice to stuff up, but you do need to keep it cool for it to stay solid if using coconut oil!

    1. Sandra,
      You could use coconut oil instead of butter and leave out the sugar. I make lots of things now without sugar and with the honey and the dried fruit that would be sweet 🙂

  5. yummy sounding! i am going to see if i can make a raw vegan version of this…..well maybe “beegan”! using honey and coconut oil and raw cacao nibs. i can’t wait to taste this. perfect for an afternoon snack! thank you nicole!

    1. my altered version turned out great. i made my own almond butter with honey and sesame oil in the high speed blender and added a little maple syrup instead of the sugar. crunchy, chewy and satisfying! now to abstain from eating the whole pan. do you think this would freeze okay?

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