Project Madness and Jean-Luc

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“And how many hours a day did you do lessons?’ said Alice, in a hurry to change the subject.
Ten hours the first day,’ said the Mock Turtle: ‘nine the next, and so on.’
What a curious plan!’ exclaimed Alice.
That’s the reason they’re called lessons,’ the Gryphon remarked: ‘because they lessen from day to day.”
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

I’m launching my Year of Me Planner – 2016 tomorrow night.

Although, of course, after test-driving it at our recent Soul Sanctuary Retreat we decided to add in a couple of extra features. After which I was up late for a couple of nights tweaking the final copy. My graphic designer is madly adding those in right now (hopefully finished this morning!).

And of course I needed a shop on my blog so I can actually deliver the Planner to you. (No, you can’t see it yet because it’s still in draft mode until the Planner comes back from the designer and I can upload it and go live!)

Which means I (me, the so un-tech savvie one) needed to build a shop and install it and work out all the things that let you pay money and buy stuff.

Which means I’ve been up in the middle of the night learning how to master new software and shopping carts and such.

Because, you know, launch this week! Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just to top it off I have been developing a whole on-line course and fun-house of activities for the year ahead for my Year of ME -2016 year-long course and community. Which means I’ve been up late most nights.

Did I mention I have a pop-up shop tomorrow too? And a weekend of workshops and healing rooms?

After just-finished-biggest-ever-retreat?

It’s total sustainable madness around here right now.

But do you know what?

I’m loving every minute of it! (almost – because there was that one part where I faceplanted the desk and doubted my sanity at around 3am this morning before I finally worked out how to make the widget work that made the thingy load for the shoppy gizmo)

I have a delicious big stretch of empty days coming up soon, and there will be a bag of magical carrots for me to snack on once everything is launched and the dust has settled. Yay!

Meantime, cuddles, coffee dates, a fridge full of yummy food, essential oil magic, more cuddles, some phone-a-friend support, naps when I can, and so many people helping me to birth this crazy bunch of projects out into the world.

Yep, fun!

(Also, I managed to sneak Captain Picard into my post. Happy-happy. Yes, I am a closet Trekkie. Also, don’t I use an exceptional amount of exclamation marks when I am excited???)

Madness, done right, is a beautiful thing. 🙂

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

5 thoughts on “Project Madness and Jean-Luc

  1. THE PLANNER – – – – – – > can’t WAIT to get it!!! Take care, Nicole… don’t work TOO hard… and don’t forget to DANCE. Love you xox

  2. Although I am in Tassie and getting to your pop up shops, weekend workshops and launching tomorrow night isnt possible, I am sending you lots of love for a successful weekend (which it will be – that goes without saying! I too love Jean-Luc OMG that voice <3

  3. Hi Nicole

    You sound very busy. I can highly recommend Excite Media for help with your website if you tire of working that hard stuff out.

    Hope you are well. I’ve heard a little about the retreat and it sounded brilliant.

    Cheers Christina

    Sent from my iPhone

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