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3O Days of Gratitude to Change Your Life

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Are you ready to change your life?  Are you ready to attract things that make you smile, that improve your health, that attract better jobs and relationships, that make you laugh, that fill your bank account with money and your heart with love and gladness?

If your answer is yes, then read on!

I’m a big believer in counting my Blessings.  In fact, during some of the harder parts of my life thus far, I am convinced that this is the one thing that got me through and out the other side.  The more I have embraced gratitude, the more I have noticed miracles and abundance turning up in my life.

Gratitude has become such a natural part of my life that I forget others might struggle with this concept, or perhaps not even understand it at all.

I decided to create this free 30 Day Gratitude Program in response to a person whose life is becoming increasingly broken as they complain bitterly about how awful it is. Today they asked me for help, and this 30 day challenge is my answer to them.

I promise that if you follow these simple instructions too, within 30 days you’ll start to see results.

Psychologists have found a link between gratitude and well-being. Studies have shown that when a person is depressed, anxious, negative and directionless, they can take control of these emotions and begin to turn them around themselves through a daily practice of finding things to be grateful for in their everyday life. The practice of gratitude literally has the capacity to rewire our brains, firing off more of our feel-good emotions and thinking patterns.  It helps us to remember who we are, what makes us happy, and where we want to go in life.

Conversely, when we focus on complaints, unhappiness and wrongs in our lives, we generate even more feelings of inadequacy, anger, frustration, depression and resentment. None of those energies are good for our health and well-being. It also makes us much less fun to be around.

Eeyore under his cloud of misery – Image from

Of course, in my world, I don’t see this as mere psychology.  I see this as the Law of Attraction in action.  Quite simply, whatever we think about, and attach emotion to, we draw into our lives.  Our thoughts and emotions are magnetic to things of similar energy.

If your life isn’t turning out to your satisfaction, maybe it’s time to tune in to what you are thinking, and make some positive changes.

If you’d like to join me in this challenge, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Find yourself a journal or notebook (yes you can use your computer or ipad etc if that works for you).
  2. Find yourself a gratitude rock.  This is a stone small enough to fit into your hand.  It can be a crystal or an ordinary garden variety rock. Choose what feels good to you.
  3. Set aside ten minutes each morning to read the daily challenge and about ten minutes during the day to work through your daily activity.

There will be a variety of activities, as well as some meditations. None of it will be hard.  Some of it will actually be fun.  And all of it will be working to shift your vibration and make you more magnetic to good in your life.

Want to join me?  If you’re up for it, leave me a comment below.  Let’s make this a giant Gratitude Party.  Feel free to invite your friends too.  The more we create a positive intention and vibration, the more it affects everyone and everything around us in magical ways – and that’s the definition of a Lightworker!

Lastly, write the following pledge in your journal.  When it’s written, repeat it out loud, with as much sincerity as you can muster. That way the Universe is put on notice of your intentions.

Dear Universe,

I am open to the possibility that there is more for me in this life, and I am ready to receive these Blessings by offering my thanks and gratitude in reciprocation.

I am so very grateful for my life, and for the learning opportunities I am being shown.

I am ready to embrace positive change and to accept an avalanche of good in my life. 

My commitment to you is that for the next 30 days (and beyond) I am willing to look for and name things I am thankful for, and to celebrate the many Blessings I already have.

With love and gratitude,

(insert your own name here)


Tomorrow we start Day 1.  See you there!

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