Why I love Friday at the Farm!

calf, farm life byron bay
That’s our newest calf, Rosco (in the middle), named after Carly’s Dad!

“Its always difficult to keep Fridays confined within themselves..they tend to spill over..”
~ Parag Tipnis


Fridays at our farm are my perfect kind of day.

There was an early-morning walk to say hello to the cows and check the vegetable garden. After that I spent a little time finalising my Year of ME Planner for 2017, and playing with the crystals I’ve chosen to go with next year’s Planner.


Then we headed off to Mullumbimby for the Farmers’ Markets. The annual Mullumbimby Agricultural Show is on this weekend, and the signs were up already.

Looks like it’s going to be fun!

Mullumbimby Show

Before we could even think about filling our baskets with produce we stopped for a local Myocum Coffee and pastry. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do quality control!

Scratch Patisserie’s market stall is one of our favourite stops on a Friday morning.


After which we bought lovely things. Fresh things. Things grown or made with care and love by local farmers.

Cooper’s Shoot tomatoes are the best!


We chose tiny carrots and crunchy sweet apples. We bought organic eggs and sourdough bread and all manner of tasty goodness.



I even found some wonderful hand-made soap, coloured with clays and scented with essential oils! They are crafted by the lovely people from Church Farm at Billinudgel. (Do pop over and visit their website – it totally captures the feel of our region!)


Then it was home again to a happy day of writing and cups of tea, followed by the pleasure of a dear friend dropping by for dinner.

We taste-tested my new mango mousse recipe, and it was fab! Watch for the recipe on the blog next week. 🙂

What a wonderful day! I so love where I live. It’s good to be home.

Hugs and love, Nicole <3 xx



Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

11 thoughts on “Why I love Friday at the Farm!

  1. Good to know you are feeling a bit better and enjoying some of life’s offerings. Cows are just lovely. I so wish I could have a cow. I melt in those eyes. The pastry looks divine. Yummy. Mango mousse sounds wonderful too. I need to have 40 pounds disappear so I’m abstaining for awhile. I think I gain weight from looking at the pictures. 🙂 Good to see you here.

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