A Boat Called Insomnia

Tattered Sails by Joe Bonita
Tattered Sails by Joe Bonita

“But Pooh couldn’t sleep. The more he tried to sleep the more he couldn’t. He tried counting Sheep, which is sometimes a good way of getting to sleep, and, as that was no good, he tried counting Heffalumps. And that was worse. Because every Heffalump that he counted was making straight for a pot of Pooh’s honey, and eating it all. For some minutes he lay there miserably, but when the five hundred and eighty-seventh Heffalump was licking its jaws, and saying to itself, “Very good honey this, I don’t know when I’ve tasted better,” Pooh could bear it no longer.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh


Insomnia is a boat that travels a vast ocean.

The motor of this boat has broken.

The sails are torn to tatters by some long-ago storm that everyone only vaguely remembers.

The boat itself is enormous and seemingly deserted, but once you have walked her decks a while you realise that some of your friends are stuck aboard too, although you may never meet in these rusty corridors.

Insomnia is a boat that makes you rage inside from futility.

But when the rage abates you find that there is something beautiful about the haunted emptiness, the quiet solitude, and the stopping of all movement which leaves you stranded in the company of your good self.

Insomnia is a place for soul poetry and cups of tea, a journey to acceptance of whatever is, and, eventually, at some point beyond this horizon, shipwreck on the shore of dreams.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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8 thoughts on “A Boat Called Insomnia

  1. I just happened to read this at 3:05 a.m. on my part of the planet. I was unable to go to sleep tonight so I got up and drew two mandalas with colored pencils on black paper and then just sat there and felt their energy. Then I made some cucumber, aloe, orange, lemon, tumeric, ginger and celery juice. Then decided to come into the computer to check several days of unread emails. I was so very happy to find your post about insomnia among those emails! I am frequently plagued/blessed with bouts of sleeplessness. I will now go have a second cup of tea and pet my kitty cat. Eventually I will make my way back to bed and curl up against my warm sleeping husband. Goodnight dear Nicole and cyber friends! Sweet dreams to all.

  2. what a beautiful description…too bad we are so programed to sleep at night otherwise we would just look at insomnia as some great drug that lets us enjoy waking more hours of the day. . Dance a little more and tire yourself out. Love to you and yours, enjoy the music

  3. I know those rusty corridors all to well. I often compare it to a place called hell.
    For I’ve sailed this vessel for eons it seems. Searching for that shore of dreams.
    If I could let this rage abate, I’d use the stars to navigate…….Hopefully before the sun comes up!
    I can really relate to this post Nicole! If you could share some more of your wonderful words of wisdom on dealing with insomnia I would be extremely grateful ! Wishing you Sweet Dreams Nicole!

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