My Kind Of Nightlife


“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
~ Anne Brontë, Best Poems of the Brontë Sisters


We’re home again at our little farm, for a while at least.

It rained on and off from late in the afternoon yesterday, and then all through the night. Ben lit a fire, and we had early showers, put on our pyjamas and made big mugs of tea.

Then we camped in front of the fire, reading books, drinking tea, and listening to the rain on the roof. It was so quiet. Just the rain, the creak and click of the fire, the rustle of a page being turned, and the occasional sigh or snore from one of the dogs.

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The possums crawled out of the roof just after dark and came looking for a piece of fruit.

We fed them, ate a bowl of soup ourselves and decided to head to bed early for a good night’s sleep.

The Powerful Owl landed in the jacaranda  outside the bathroom as we were cleaning our teeth. I thrilled to see him so close.

And then possums ran across the roof all night, and fought in the trees outside the house. So many possums. It sounded like a possum nightclub full of drunk, misbehaving animals. Despite their behaviour I still managed a good night’s sleep.


This morning the powerful owl was still there. He flew into the trees near the driveway and sat watching me while I worked at my desk. I realised he was dining on possum and I hoped that it wasn’t any of the possums we know. When I took my mug of tea outside and went to say hello I found three feathers on the ground below him and brought them back inside with me.

It’s so good to be home!

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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14 thoughts on “My Kind Of Nightlife

  1. Dear Nicole, it’s Barbara. We made it home, what Barry and I both wanted. We came home from the hospital on Monday. Yesterday we had a lovely day, our daughters and I played the singing bowls for him, and I read to him from my favourite book, The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. We played the music we always play whilst I gave him Reiki, and Barry opened his eyes a few times, and he would smile at us. We asked him if he was in pain, no, no pain. Last night we lay on the bed together, and this morning he did not wake up with me. I am so grateful we made it home. 💙🙏🏻

    1. Oh Barbara, I am so grateful that you both made it home too! What a precious time to share together. That is exactly how I would want my own end to be. I’m so sorry for your loss, but what a peaceful passing for Barry. That’s a gift in itself.

      I have had my own worries this past few days. We made it home for a night, only to have to turn around and head back to the city after my husband became very ill. I’ve just returned from hospital with him. He’ll be okay, touch wood, but it has been a very big few weeks of stress for all of us with loved ones in hospital and having treatment for various serious illnesses.

      Holding you and Barry and family in my prayers and meditations,
      All my love, Nicole xoxo

  2. That’s a big owl. He’s magnificent! I would be honoured to have one visit too. Loooove the feathers. Would love to draw them !! The little boobooks who have roosted in our palms would be a fifth the size, and they only dropped breast feathers for me.
    I’ve asked our possums to stay on the front of the house which they do. Also asked them to pee in the gutter as opposed to down the side of the house but that part has not gotten through to them yet… 🙂

  3. WOW…what beautiful feathers! A Powerful Owl visited a friend and I last week at her home…it felt very auspicious! If you get a chance can you ask the P’Owl to come say HI at my home real soon. Welcome home sweeties…XOXO

  4. What a beautiful gift of three feathers! Definitely a calling card from Spirit. We love listening to the sounds of nature and watching the birds and native animals come into our surroundings too. So glad you have had some joy amongst all your recent sadness. As for the possums, naughty and noisy but at least you got some sleep. Thanks for sharing such a delightful post. xx

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