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Soul Awakening Activities for The New Moon Partial Eclipse in Leo

“If you chase anything in life chase the things that get you excited about living. Chase the things that give you hope, happiness and a glimpse of a better life. Chase the things that make you want to be a better person. Chase the things that inspire you to think, create and live joyfully. Chase the things that reinforce in your soul that you can make a difference. Chase the things that make you want to transform your heart from selfish to selfless. When you chase that kind of storm you are chasing rainbows.” 
Shannon L. Alder


I’m on retreat right now, here in beautiful Byron Bay with my Accelerated Channelling and Sacred Geometry group. I always time my retreats so that the participants will be supported by the surrounding astrological energies, and this retreat is spectacular for personal transformation and psychic connection.

Would you like to learn how you can harness these same energies to progress your spiritual path at home?

We’ll be working with the energies of this New Moon and the Partial Solar Eclipse today, and I thought you might like to use this time to go deeper with your own spiritual work.

The partial Solar Eclipse today (Saturday) boosts the energies of the New Moon in Leo, and heralds new beginnings and major shifts for us, both personally and spiritually. It coincides with the yearly period known as the Lion’s Gate – a portal which opens on the 8th of August every year – an 8:8 event – and which continues until August 12. During the Lion’s Gate portal it is possible to greatly raise your own vibration, and elevate the consciousness of humanity.

It’s a great time to get clarity around your life direction, and for finding answers to questions and problems that have kept you stuck up until now. This eclipse also falls on an 11 day on an 11 year (2018 adds up to 11) which creates what is known as an 11:11 Gateway. This is a time where many will receive a spiritual calling, or where events will come together to help you to achieve profound emotional healing.

Here are some simple activities you can do in the next few days to enhance your intuitive connection and psychic ability, and to clarify your life direction:

Who Am I?

This activity opens you to your own soul wisdom as well as Universal wisdom. It can help to show you who you are now, and who you have the potential of becoming. Don’t judge anything that comes to you. Write it all down!

Image from

Directions: Sit comfortably with your hands in the Anjali Mudra (prayer position) so that your hands are in front of your heart and your eyes are gazing straight ahead. You can close your eyes if you want. (Note: If you also want to work with a crystal for this meditation hold the stone in your cupped hands first, energise it with light, the place it on your lap or on the ground in front of you or under your chair – then sit in the prayer position) Breathe deeply, relax your body and then ask Who Am I? Wait for any words, images or impressions to appear. Then open your eyes and begin to answer this question in your journal. You might want to do this a few times in the next few days, as each time you do this you will be able to go deeper and into more detail.

Using Cards for Clarification:

Choose an oracle or tarot deck that is meaningful to you. Shuffle the cards and then choose three, placing them face down in front of you. Once again sit in Anjali Mudra (prayer position), calm your mind and ask Who am I? When you are ready open your eyes and begin to work with the cards.

Image by Mysterious Lass at

Turn over the first card – This shows you who you have been, in the past for this current life, or perhaps even from previous lives. Write down what comes to you in your journal.

Turn over the second card – This shows you who you are right now, including strengths and limitations. Write down what comes to you in your journal.

Turn over the third card – This shows you who you can become, or what you can rise above for this current life. Write down what comes to you in your journal.

Reflection Exercise for Life Clarity: Leave the journal for a while. An hour perhaps, or longer. Whatever feels right to you. Then come back and read what you have written. Look for the words that resonate, and for anything that provides inspiration or direction.

Now write again, this time listing your intentions for this lifetime. Who do you want to be? What do you want to contribute, create, have or experience? How will you do this? Trust that whatever is in your heart is possible!

Enjoy this time of connection and reflection. You’re in our hearts, prayers and meditations, and we wish you well.
Much love, Nicole ❤ xx

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