Decisions, New Directions and Big Plans – Monday Oracle 7 December 2020

“It’s not enough to know what you want to do. You have to do it to be what you want to be.”

Paulo Coelho

Hello, Lovelies,

December energies encourage you to find time for yourself, to rest and renew. It’s a month that brings an urge to have more freedom, and which gifts you a readiness to make big decisions.

Keep that in mind as we explore the gifts that this oracle card from the  CELTIC LENORMAND brings us this week. The CELTIC LENORMAND, with its beautiful Pagan and Celtic themes, is written by Chloe McCracken and the artwork is by Will Worthington.

The Gifts Of The Week Ahead

This week supports us to make important decisions. We might not be ready to action them yet, but we will make up our mind about what direction we will take in the near future.

If you feel at crossroads in your life, take time to slow down and look for the signs that are all around you. Then feel into your heart-space and inner knowing. What decision or direction gives you a sense of relief, or a sense of possibility? Even if it is a road you have not travelled before, don’t let that stop you. This week heralds the beginning of many positive changes if you are brave enough to move from indecision to committed to a path!

Signs are important this week. What have you been ignoring? Where in your life do you feel that things aren’t working, or that you can’t keep carrying on like that for another year? What is calling you to try something new? Listen to that inner wisdom – look at the evidence in your own life, and honour your true feelings. It’s time for change!

Need a supportive community and help to grown into your best and most intuitive self? Come join our Journeymaker Circle – Details here

Supportive crystals this week

Smoky Quartz helps you let go of old hurts, old pains and old ideas/situations/dreams so you can move forward without regretAny kind of Geode will be great this week for amplifying joy and abundance in your life. A geode is a little ‘cave’ or hollow filled with smaller crystals. The one pictured is an Amethyst Geode! Petrified Wood promotes compassion, wonder, curiosity and benevolence. It is a stone for healing old hurts and allowing hope back into your heart. Tourmaline in Quartz will build courage and help you to stand by your choices and decisions.

Helpful Essential Oils

I’m loving Geranium this week. This sweet uplifting oil helps us to open our hearts, to find our enthusiasm and optimism and promotes peace and emotional well-being. Use it as a perfume or diffuse it. Add few drops added to your bath make for magical self-care.

Need a blend to help with clarity, creative flow and decisiveness?

Each of these oils work well with Geranium: 
Orange supports creative flow, and is uplifting, busts stress and helps us overcome self-doubt, Lemon is mentally refreshing and helps us overcome cynicism and move to a place of optimism and trust in the Universe and Rosemary gifts clarity and decisiveness. To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser.

If you need help to find that balance, or a path back to yourself, grab a copy of my Journeymaker’s Planner for 2021. It has a blueprint within it to help you find your way. Details below.

Make 2021 A Powerful Year Of Healing, Connection and Regrouping

My much-loved Planner is now in its sixth year of production, and 2021 is the most beautiful and content-rich book we’ve ever produced.  This 368-page book is a spiritual toolkit disguised as a diary & planner. Learn to tap into your intuition, honor your heart’s path and calling using skills like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, self-care, intuitive card reading, energy work, and much more.

There are 52 pages of rituals, information and activities to start your year right. Read about the energies of 2021 and how to make the most of them. The Planner is then divided into Quarters, each with a theme to support you. Each month starts with guidance for the energies ahead, and suggestions for crystals, gemstones and essential oils. After each Quarter you’ll find a review to help you learn, grow and plan.

To support your purchase there is also a Free Online Course, available in our Journeymaker’s Academy. Learn with me as I show you how to review 2020 and learn from the year, choose a project and habit for 2021, do a 10 card tarot or oracle card spread to guide you for the year ahead, and then create a plan for 2021 that is workable and supportive. No prior experience is needed. I’ll teach you everything you need to know with the free course that accompanies your Planner. You’ll learn to work with our monthly money tracker, Sunday planning sessions, weekly tarot or oracle card, habit and goal setting, reviews, coping skills, lightwork, meditations, affirmations.

And for every Planner sold, ten trees will be planted, to give back to Mother Earth.

To order the Planner choose one of the links below:

Amazon USA (for all sales outside Australia)

Amazon Australia (for Australian sales only)

We will also have Planners available soon on ETSY – we’re waiting for our shipment of Planners to clear customs here in Australia – hopefully by Friday this week! (Apologies, because COVID has slowed EVERYTHING down this year.)

This week I’ll be busy mailing the last of my postal orders for my Membership Group, doing readings and coaching calls for clients, supporting myself with my own big decisions for 2021 (more on that soon!), baking my last few Christmas Cakes for family and friends (Go Team Fruitcake! Sorry, Sis!) and finding moments of down-time to spend with my family.

Love, hugs and the uplifting tones of my favourite Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennet Christmas Albums (all that lovely swing music beloved by both sets of my grandparents which is a tradition I carry on in my own household at this time of year!), Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3165

4 thoughts on “Decisions, New Directions and Big Plans – Monday Oracle 7 December 2020

  1. I’m starting a new tradition this year We won’t be able to travel to New Zealand like we usually do So we are going to video call and as my Grandfather was such a wonderful story teller ( and I am too) I’d like to honour him by having the family all tell family stories the night before Christmas 🌟 I think it’s a great way to keep our stories alive and to pass them down year after year. Memories are so precious 💕 and my story will not be mine but one I was told about my Gran sealing a fruit cake up in a tin using a hot poker from the fire 🔥 she sealed it so well and was known for her amazing Christmas 🎄 wrapping skills also (took so long to get it open) My grandad was a medic in the 2nd world war and the well sealed cake was sent on a ship 🛳 that actually went down but miraculously somehow they pulled out the mail bags and the cake 🍰 once they got the tin open was perfectly fine I’d like to think those men all shared the cake with my Grandad and marvelled at how it survived and if it could maybe they could too 💜

    1. This is such a wonderful new tradition – and you have a cracker of a story there with your Gran’s fruitcake!! Hooray, Team Fruitcake!!! Big love xx

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