A cup of comfort – Chai tea from scratch

I’m a big believer in self-nurture.  And you already know that I am also an embracer of the small things in life.  For me, one of those small pleasures is to sip tea, and a good chai is in a class of its own – spicy, sweet and soul nourishing.

Chai goes well with journalling, morning pages, soul work, creativity, and books!

It’s easy to make a tea mix up, and store it in a jar ready for those moments when you need a chai fix.  I promise it will taste better than any syrup or powder.

Crush roughly in mortar: 8 whole cloves, 3 cinnamon sticks, 10 cardamon pods, 1 tspn peppercorns, 1/2 tspn fennel or anise seeds – or go crazy and do 1/2 tspn of each, 6 star anise, 1 grated fresh nutmeg kernel, 1 tblspn dried ginger root or ginger powder. Then add to one cup of loose tea leaves – I like Earl Grey or a smoky tea. If using a smoky tea I then add a tablespoon of lavender and mix through. Store in a jar.

To make a cup of chai (and I never drink just one) I place one cup of milk and one cup of water in a saucepan and bring them to the boil. (Yes, you can use soy, if you prefer.) Then I add two large teaspoons of the chai tea mix.  Chai is a personal thing, so you may need to play around with the quantity – it is also dependent on cup or mug size. Then I simmer for two minutes, or until I’m happy with the flavour. Sometimes, for variety, I add slices of gresh ginger if I have any to hand, and sometimes a curl of fresh orange rind or an inch of vanilla bean pod. Strain into a cup and enjoy. If you have made extra it still serves to strain the tea mix out so that it doesn’t become tannic and bitter. Always add a little sweetener to your chai tea.  It helps accentuate the flavours. I use honey, which imparts its own special magic. Experiment. It’s fun! Enjoy ♥


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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8 thoughts on “A cup of comfort – Chai tea from scratch

  1. I’ve never yet managed to properly recreated the wonderful chai I had in Pakistan but I’ll give your recipe a go, and I like the idea of storing it in a jar so that it’s there any time. In the past I’ve just made it to order, which is a bit of a faff when you’re desperate for a cuppa!

  2. Nicole, I have just blended and stewed my first Chai. I ground all the ingredients, it was very easy to do. I then made my first mug and half (I too like more than one). I used the 2 large teaspoons full as you recommended and added enough honey to suit my tastes. The flavours were amazing. It was amazing, I could taste the different spices all over my palate. It was a little like wine tasting – beautiful blend, long lasting flavours during and after sipping the Chai.
    Thank you, will have to taste test more!

  3. Thanks for the recipe for the Chai Nicole. I was at the supermarket and remembered your blog, so I pulled it up on my iphone and bought all the ingredients so I can blend and make at home today.

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