The Patient should be Sleeping


“It is an awful thing to be betrayed by your body. And it’s lonely, because you feel you can’t talk about it. You feel it’s something between you and the body. You feel it’s a battle you will never win . . . and yet you fight it day after day, and it wears you down. Even if you try to ignore it, the energy it takes to ignore it will exhaust you.” ― David Levithan, Every Day


The Good Nurse has decreed that today there shall be no blogging.  This patient must sleep. And if there is no sleeping there must be rest.

It’s a hard battle this patient is fighting. Up all night with bone pains and burning skin, misbehaving eyes and a stomach and bowels that are most uncooperative.

No, no writing today.  Instead there will be medicine, more medicine, and a soft bed, with pillows and attentive canine nurses, which are, of course, the very best kind.

Normal blogging may resume tomorrow.  Or not. In any case, we will keep you posted.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

21 thoughts on “The Patient should be Sleeping

  1. Nicole my thoughts are with you as you rest. Mayb we should start a blog for you that you can read so that you know how much we all love and care for you and enjoy these amazing newsletters you put together …

    Sending smiles … maria 🙂

  2. Dear Nicole so glad to see that despite the nurse’s most loving attention and doctors firm attestation that you rest that despite all of this the powerful but Ill Nicole managed to sneak the laptop in under the duvet and blog out to all of us…….you are one mighty lady and thank you for that and much love also….and what it says to me is that we must not always believe what the world tells us….. the world might tell you that you need to rest you are Ill and by extension doomed…..but despite what the world says am so glad you are still hanging on in there and giving to us every days in your blogs…much much love…..XXX XXX

  3. Well wishes to you.

    You know, last week, I surrendered to rest and it was amazing. Of course it was sickness that got me and even though I was irritated that I was sick, I now look at it as a gift… Because my restlessness finally found some rest and some healing. 🙂

  4. There is a very shy canine nurse ‘Oscar ‘ right here now that would give you a great big wet kiss if only he could …you take care sweetheart thinking of you .
    love Cherry xxxx

  5. My dear Nicole I admire your stamina and determination. We will all be here when you are well enough to write again. Will miss you each day but want you to rest and take care of yourself . Use all your energy and spirit to heal yourself and don’t worry about us. I think you have given us all so much already that now we can look back over all the previous writings and do the” work ” with the info and inspiration that you have given . I think we should think of a better word for your daily offerings “blog” is just not enough its so much more. Love you and really feel you close Patty

  6. My prayers are with you Nicole.
    It’s like a fight within yourself and no one else can do terribly much. I’m resting here in bed having just had the same discussion with Ray. I’m wishing for a canine nurse before another race to the ‘bathroom’.
    I feel your pain. Rest well and be kind to yourself.
    Like my ‘namesake’ Owls and Orchids to offer wise counsel and delightful sights and scents 😊
    Love,light and many blessings ❤❤❤

  7. You are family… I care for you deeply. Wish I could relieve you of your pain… numb you… deliver you. I feel so powerless. Can only send you LOVE and keep you cradled in my thoughts. xox

  8. Hi Nicole, My name is Paul Hensley and I am in India at the Oneness University – you have constantly been in my prayers for your health and recovery, Much Love, Paul Hensley (Ewingsdale)

    Sent from my iPad

  9. No peeking ! you are resting. My thoughts and prayers are with you. recuperation is the key. Hope your ‘nurses’ don’t take all the bed. xx

  10. Dear sweet Nicole, Your illness is breaking my heart. I think of you every day and pray for your quick recovery. You are your priority right now. We are all pulling for you. Be well soon, dear one. Hugs, Mary XXOO

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