My Unscheduled Five-Star Holiday!

2015-10-08 18.13.26

“Whenever I pull an oracle card for myself, it always seems to have one message… Rest!” ~ Nicole Cody


Hello Lovelies,

I’m having a little enforced rest in this lovely five-star resort (some would call it a hospital!) due to my naughty misbehaving heart. Thank you, Lyme Disease. Even on the way out of my body you bang the doors and throw major tantrums.

So, I won’t be blogging very frequently for the next little while, or facebooking, or answering emails and messages. I’m sure you’ll understand. And of course, addled brain often here right now, courtesy of morphine et al.

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I’m going to be just fine, now that I have all this horrid pain under control. But I have promised my doctors that I will lie quietly and rest (yes, I had to hold my hand over my heart and swear to do no work!) for a fortnight.

The view is fabulous, and there is room service. The nurses are all angels disguised by flat shoes and sensible uniforms. I am being very well taken care of.  I have also been promised similar treatment back at the farm.

So I’m waving to you from bed, and sending my love to you all,

See you after my rest. This is my best 5am kissy face for you!

Big love and hugs,

Nicole <3 xoxo

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

57 thoughts on “My Unscheduled Five-Star Holiday!

  1. Oh Nicole, you still manage to make us laugh and smile during your bad days. Wishing you a fast recovery and an enjoyable five star holiday. Hugs and love, Joyce xx

  2. Dear Nicole, rest, be well, know you are loved and cared for by so many. Healing thoughts surround you. Love and healing ..Barbara 🌻

  3. Looks like you have an arsenal of love and support to help you heal. Rest is something I understand. You need more than anyone can guess. Take it. It’s your job to take care of you first and foremost. Sending lots of love and light for your healing.

  4. “Love is the greatest refreshment in life” – John Lennon. May the love we each feel for you be deeply refreshing in ways that heal, uplift and add sparkle. Do ease into those plumped pillows.

  5. Take care dear Nicole. Guess its a well deserved rest, though we’ll all miss you. Take a Queen style off and be ” back with a bang” Diva style. What say?!!! Chill and smile…..

  6. Hospitals are good places for one to get back on track. In June I ended up in one after a bad reaction to a prescription drug. Be good to yourself and get well soon.

  7. I must say ” you look amazing in that hospital gown ” ! you rest up and let those wonderful “Earth Angels” take Good care of you! Much love and healing to you Nicole! And a big ‘thank you’ to all involved on your road to recovery. 👼 💚❤️👼

  8. Sending much love, prayers and healing energies. Rest is such a healer, and as I tell all my friends (but don’t take the same advice for myself) the one that first needs to be looked after is yourself xxx

  9. Dear Nicole…an unscheduled retreat in a five star resort! What other way would you look at your situation, and holding hand over quaking heart agree to the conditions of said resort. Please rest, and allow yourself to be cared for and loved. So many of ‘us’ will be sending you love and healing energy, and wishing you a gentle recovery and a deep, restorative, much earned rest. Much love. Marguerite 💕

  10. You are just so gorgeous! Literally if you were not wearing a hospital gown I would really think you were having a five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Holiday. Sending you pink and green 🌺🌺🍀🍀 healing energy filled with Dragon Fire Energy to send that lime on it’s way it’s purpose has well and truely been served and now it can GET 🙏🐉🐉🐉

  11. Oh sh*t !! Pleased you have promised to behave yourself. Nurse Bert will have to work double shifts when you get home. Remember baby steps, (like Shirley Temple) still gets you where you want to go and you enjoy the walk as it takes longer. Hope you have your colouring books with you 🙂 Sending big hugs and love xxxx

  12. Dear massive heart of Nicole,

    We love you too, very much which is why we are glad that your own Angels have put their foot down and sent you to bed with medical care. Wrapping you up in love, hugs and healing xoxo

  13. Dearest Nicole – I’m so sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly. Sending you lots of pale pink sparkly LOVE and LIGHT on rainbows and butterfly wings to wrap you in gentle healing energy! I know that all of our good wishes combined will surely have a positive effect. Please rest and take care of yourself, and feel better soon! I, too, am waving at you from the U.S. :)))) xoxo Kat

  14. Darling heart…sending you oodles of love and ‘healing rest’ for an enjoyable and memorable stay at your current retreat.

    And I’m thinking the system needs some funky gowns to go with super healthy food could boost body and soul whilst on retreat for sure!

    Love and HUGS and more LOVE…XOXO

  15. Waving from Montréal! Glad to know you’re in good hands. Yes… PLEASE… rest and relax! Will keep candles burning for you, dearest Nicole — may you rise yet again and DANCE. Much love, Mudd xox

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