Home In My Own Bed!

2015-10-10 12.17.20

“I live in my own little world. But it’s ok, they know me here.”
~ Lauren Myracle


There is something so sweet and good about sleeping in your own bed after a long time away.

It’s a little crowded just now though. Harry and Bert refuse to leave my side. Not that I’m complaining. 🙂

The two weeks of rest is going well. I have napped and ready many books. I have sipped cups of tea from bed, and coloured picture books as a mindful meditation. Or just for fun.

My mind, free to roam, has surprised me with little extra treats and ideas for my end of year retreat, and for all kinds of other wonderful offerings. I love being able to be in a space of dreaming and creativity – and for me that process seems to work best when I am in my pyjamas. (Hooray for no more breezy hospital gowns!)

I’m doing really well, and the trick now is to keep resting and not overdoing it. (This is always the hard part for me. Do you find resting hard too?) Mind you, it’s challenging to overdo things when you are pinned to the bed by two loyal dogs, and you have a husband and a personal assistant who lovingly growl if I even look like doing anything workish.

Today I’m working on my pirates and fairies story, mapping out adventures and filling in some details about important things for this world I’m creating in my head. Of course that will be interspersed between more naps and cups of tea and cuddles with my boys. Probably my most important story development will happen in my dreams!

Please know that I’m sending you all lots of love. Of course you’re included in my healing meditations each morning and night. Thank you too, for all the healing, love and well wishes you’ve sent me. It has helped heaps!

Hugs and love and all that good stuff, Nicole <3 xoxo

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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19 thoughts on “Home In My Own Bed!

  1. It’s tough I know but fully worth it you really want to keep on your upward healing path and REAT DOES HEAL- I know and it tool me a long while to accept that- you are in my prayers and sending you big love and healing hugs xxoo

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery lovely lady. Sending lots of healing and angels to your side. Enjoy your pleasant dreams about fairies and pirates, sounds wonderful <3

  3. So glad you are home and that Nurse Bert and Café Dog are taking good care of you (as well as the husband and assistant!). All healing thoughts to you. Listen to your body and rest. Dream well.

  4. So very glad to hear you are back home. Barry and I found that there truly is … No place like home. Keep healing and gain back your strength with all your loved ones surrounding you. Barbara🌻

  5. I was just thinking about you Nicole , was wondering how you are and shall I confuse the world with a message to you on Facebook, when all of a sudden you popped up in my inbox just like magic . Sooooooo glad you are doing well . It’s a beast to be told to rest , i am the same as you …hate it . The idea is there but after a while it gets monotonous but you must . While you rest there is nothing better than a few pirates to keep you company …oh and a couple of hairy bodies with big brown adoring eyes …nothing better . Oscar sends his love 🐶🐶🐶 a big wet soppy kiss coming your way . Sorry that should be three hairy bodies with big brown adoring eyes…sorry Ben

  6. So glad you are home, resting and enjoying lots of TLC. I agree there is nothing like the feeling of putting your head on your own pillow after an extended stay away. Take care, sending love for a speedy recovery xx

  7. What wonderful news, Nicle! I am lovingly growling… hoping you’ll listen to all your caregivers and REST. Hugs and LOVE LOVE LOVE, Mudd xox

  8. So glad to hear your’re at home ‘snug as a bug ‘ in your own bed! Heed your caretakers do as your told (try anyways lol) & take care; let the creative juices flow and you’ll be up in no time walkin the farm and checkin up on your cow clan & gardens! Sending much love and healing thoughts your way Nicole!

  9. So pleased and happy to know you are back home. The inbox has been a bit boring while you were away, but hey we are all still here. Perhaps a perfect time to start Monday to Friday blogging with weekends off !!! Yay !! So nest and rest and let the ideas flow. Much love xxx

  10. May doggies’ weight on bed be like the weight and healing properties of magical stones. May they permeate the cells of you with love and healing. May the depth of meaning of our hands on heart have this effect for you, as well. . .no matter where we be. There is no time and space in Love.

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