I wanted to tell you all about my Planner Sale but…

Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.

Cheryl Lacey Donovan

So, Lovelies,

I was going to write this big complex post about how I have discounted my final planners by 50%, with some wonderful testimonials and new words and oh, so much other good stuff…


Harry Dog glued himself to me late yesterday, and whimpered if I moved even a foot away from him, so I stayed on the floor beside him and all I focused on was him. He’s still in pain from his leg, and the drugs have helped, but what he needs now is surgery, and time for this latest injury to settle down. I love this pupster, and he needs me, so that’s where I’ve been, instead of doing work.

Anyway, I have discounted my remaining Planners, and it is not too late to grab one, or to start. In fact, it’s just the thing if you are feeling lost, or directionless, or unable to make decisions, or needing inspiration, nurture or self-care.

Here’s some info, and links to purchase below.
I’ll see you tomorrow, but right now I have to get my pupster his breakfast and his pain meds and anti-inflammatories, and another big cuddle.

Love, puppy dog dreams, and gentle hugs, Nicole xx

Grab Your Discounted Planner Now!

I have just discounted the final copies of my Journeymaker’s Planner to only $15.00 USD (that’s 50% off!) and this low price includes a comprehensive free online course. It was created to help you learn to tap into your intuition, honor your heart’s path and follow your calling using skills like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, self-care, intuitive card reading, energy work, and much more. This 368-page book is a spiritual toolkit disguised as a diary & planner.

There are 52 pages of rituals, information and activities to help you make the most of this year. Read about the energies of 2021 and how to make the most of them. The Planner is then divided into Quarters, each with a theme to support you. Every month starts with guidance for the energies ahead, and suggestions for crystals, gemstones and essential oils. After each Quarter you’ll find a review to help you learn, grow and plan. There are full year calendars for 2021 and 2022, monthly calendars showing moon phases and astronomical events, and week-by-week diary pages for you to plan your days. There is still so much year left – it’s not too late to get started and to make the most of the months ahead.

To support your purchase there is also a Free Online Course, available in our Journeymaker’s Academy. (If you used the course in 2020 go back and check it out for the new updated content and content specific to 2021!) Learn with me as I show you how to review 2020 and learn from the year, choose a project and habit for 2021, do a 10 card tarot or oracle card spread to guide you for the year ahead, and then create a plan for 2021 that is workable and supportive. No prior experience is needed. I’ll teach you everything you need to know with the free course that accompanies your Planner. You’ll learn to work with our monthly money tracker, Sunday planning sessions, weekly tarot or oracle card, habit and goal setting, reviews, coping skills, lightwork, meditations, affirmations and more. And you can start at any time, because the work is self-paced and can guide you at any stage of the year.

And for every Planner sold, ten trees will be planted, to give back to Mother Earth.
To order the Planner choose one of the links below:

Amazon USA (for all sales outside Australia)

Amazon Australia (for Australian sales only)

ETSY (worldwide – and we also have beautiful meditation malas and crystals in the Etsy store too!)

And you can join my free online Facebook community here 

Oh yeah, I have this beautiful Mala too, which also comes with a free online course to show you how to use it. The link for the Mala is here

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

2 thoughts on “I wanted to tell you all about my Planner Sale but…

  1. Feel better Harry. Hey Nicole, please give him some extra hugs and kisses from me.
    Sending you all some love, speedy surgery and healthy healing. xoxoxox

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