Our Office Hours and Schedule For the Christmas Break 2020

There is more to life than making a living. Do not work more than you live.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Hey, Lovelies!
My team are taking a well-deserved break from today until January 4, 2021. If you have a reading booked with me in that time, rest assured that we have a system in place for all of that to go ahead. But if you want to schedule a session with me for 2021, it will have to wait until the team is back in the office. Please be patient, and know my staff will look after you well when they come back refreshed and recharged after their holidays.

I am running my final Colour and Cuppa session today at 11am Brisbane time – come join me – it’s free! (more details about that here)

Tomorrow (Friday, December 25 – Christmas Day in Australia) I’ll have a little online gift for you here on the blog, and then I too am stepping away from my desk for a few days, to spend Christmas with Ben and the pupsters, to cook yummy food and nibble on tasty snacks and watch our favourite movies and nap whenever we feel like it, and so I can spend time reviewing 2020 in this year’s Planner, and getting ready for 2021 with next year’s edition. So, there will be no Saturday blog, because I fully intend to SLEEP IN and have the whole day to myself!!! Ben will be watching the Boxing Day Test (cricket… yawn!) and I will be at my kitchen table with a pot of tea, a new deck of cards, all my pens and pencils and crystals and a whole lot of lovely time to write, plan and dream.

I’ll be back to blogging on Monday December 28, and fulfilling any orders from my new ETSY store. (And yes, I am the one who packs the planners and malas and chooses the crystals for you and who writes the little notes. It’s one more way I can put love and care back into my community. If you haven’t visited yet, do come and take a look: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/NicoleCodyShop )

You can order my Planner through ETSY, or you can access it through Amazon:

Amazon Australia if you live in Australia

Amazon USA if you live anywhere else in the world

Where ever you are in the world, look after you, stay safe, look after the ones you care about, and do all you can to find your own pockets of calm, connection and meaning. Biggest love from me and Ben (Team Fruit Cake for the win!) xoxo

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

3 thoughts on “Our Office Hours and Schedule For the Christmas Break 2020

  1. A very happy Christmas to you and your team, not forgetting Ben and the pups. I hope your asthma and other health conditions stay very much away and you can rest and enjoy your time with your family
    Love and hugs. Mary.xxx

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