Intruder Alert!

“Now we had two invisible intruders. Because one wasn’t hard enough.”

 Ilona Andrews

Hey, Lovelies!

I’d like to be able to tell you that this morning was peaceful, and that my meditation ended with feelings of calm and deep comfort.

I’d like to tell you that.

Instead I will tell you what really happened!

I was meditating, sitting on cushions on the lounge room floor in front of the fireplace (it’s winter in Australia). It was about five am and I was halfway through my practice. The dogs were asleep on my side of the bed. Until they weren’t. Abruptly I was brought out of meditation by both dogs standing beside me.Well, on top of me actually. They were barking loudly and growling – their hackles up. Don’t worry, they seemed to say. We’ll protect you, Mum.

Protect me from what? A possum. There was a possum above us inside the roof, moving closer to the fireplace to find a snug spot to nestle down and sleep through the day.

How dare that possum be in OUR roof!

After I stood up, the dogs patrolled the room, directing their frenzied barking at the ceiling. The cows, hearing our dogs in distress, started mooing loudly too.


I finally shut the dogs up by feeding them biscuits. The cows settled. We heard the funny sound of the possum’s leg banging on the ceiling as he scratched himself vigorously. We sat back down in front of the fire, and I tried to return to meditation, the dogs beside me, their heads resting on my knees.

In the quiet we heard another sound. Slide. Bump. Slide bump bump. Slide bump bump bump. The scratching stopped as the possum listened too. I knew immediately what the sound was – or rather, who. Cedric, the giant carpet snake who lives in the rafters.

The possum screamed. Yep, genuinely screamed. The dogs started barking again. The possum ran back to the hole he’d found so he could escape. The dogs went nuts. The cows mooed. The possum screamed. Slide bump bump. Slide bump bump.

The possum made it out and landed with a thump in the tree outside my kitchen window. The snake moved across the ceiling and made himself comfortable near the chimney flue.

Everyone settled back down.

I gave up on finishing my meditation. Sometimes things just don’t go to plan. Still I’ll bet Mr Possum doesn’t try sleeping in our roof again tonight!

I’m off to make a cup of tea now. Wishing you a fantastic week, wherever you are. I hope that, like the possum, luck’s on your side, or, like Cedric the snake, you get the cosy spot by the fireplace and feel comfortable and powerful in your own skin. Much love, Nicole xx

Image from

PS – A friendly reminder about the Colour and Cuppa Gathering

Our theme this week is ‘Circles’. We’ll be talking about circles and orbs in their different forms as spiritual and energetic symbols, and as a tool for meditation and energy work. We’ll also be talking about relationship circles and circles as cycles in our lives, and the energies that ripple out from us or to us in circles.

The ‘Circles – Colour and Cuppa’ gathering will be at 4.00pm Brisbane time today – Tuesday 21 July (which may be July 20 where you live). We hold these sessions every fortnight. To support people in other time zones we are scheduling these live events at various times throughout the year so you can find one that works for you. It’s completely free to join us, and we’ll be holding this gathering via Zoom. All of the details and the link will be in our Facebook Group, The Journeymakers, prior to the event.

If you’re not already a member you can join here:

Remember to Join Our Goal Magic Course!

Goal Magic is an 8-week online coaching course I created to help you to develop strong habits, to chalk up some wins, and to create patterns of completion for projects and goals. It kicks off on Monday July 27, and it’s only $99USD for the entire 8 week course, which includes a series of bite-sized videos each week, weekly live webinar and Q and A session (recorded in case you can’t make it), an active Facebook group with coaching and tips, and wonderful downloadables to get you organised. This is no pumped up rah-rah productivity course – it is gentle, practical and will get you where you want to go. Why can I promise this? Living with chronic illness I needed to create systems to help me get things done no matter how ill or brain-fogged I have been. My systems have helped me to conceptualise, plan, start and finish projects when I have been less than my best (think at home, in my pajamas, half dead!). So, if you are stressed, time-poor, feeling lost, or despairing that you will ever get anything started or finished (or you don’t even know WHAT to start, or WHY you stopped doing things that were working for you before) this is the course for you.

Got a bigger project or a dream you’d love to bring to life? This course will give you the structure, accountability and tools you need to make that happen.

Come join us – you’ll be glad you did.

Join GOAL MAGIC here

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

One thought on “Intruder Alert!

  1. Thank you. I hope that luck is on my side, because we have a serious water problem. Our spring ( is that the right word?) almost dried out. And now we are digging deeper but it doesn´t look auspicious. There is a second spot, where there might be more, so we are trying that as well. But it is a big problem and costs money and .. Oh my, and it never rains.

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