Magical Teacup Oracle

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“As far as her mom was concerned, tea fixed everything. Have a cold? Have some tea. Broken bones? There’s a tea for that too. Somewhere in her mother’s pantry, Laurel suspected, was a box of tea that said, ‘In case of Armageddon, steep three to five minutes’.”
~ Aprilynne Pike, Illusions


Will you join me for a cup of tea and a little magic?

Every so often I like to create an oracle for you. The very first one I ever posted was The Healing Power of Flowers and Fairy Blessings.  We offered a selection of flowers for you to choose from, and each flower came with a message – a mini-reading if you will. It was so well received that I’ve been creating oracles for you ever since.

Today I’m so pleased to offer you another of my Magical Oracles! This time, I’m offering a cup of tea to provide you with the wisdom, guidance and support you might need right now.

Instructions for using today’s post

Scroll down through the following teacup images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your teacup, scroll further down for your oracle message. Trust that what you most need to know is exactly what you shall choose.

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx

Let the Teacup Blessings Begin…

1.  Woodland Violets Teacup

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2.  Blossoms and Birds Teacup

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3.  Everything Golden Teacup

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4. Very Deco Teacup

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5. Wonderland Teacup

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6. French Roses Teacup

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7. Spires and Lace Teacup

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8.  Froggy Teacup

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♥ Your Teacup’s Message ♥

Each magical teacup has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your teacup.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here) The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.

1. Woodland Violets Teacup You’re being so strongly supported by loved ones who’ve crossed over, and by your Guides and the Angelic Realms. Call on them for help and guidance, and know that you are deeply loved, even as you feel so alone. They have a message for you to let you know that everything, ultimately will be okay, and they are sending you strength, grace and love.  Best Crystal – AMETHYST   Power Word – SUPPORT  Magical Healing Environment – Quiet time on your own to fill yourself up with nurture, to give yourself time to think and plan, and to learn from all of these lessons in your life.  It’s breakthrough time. You’re almost there!

2.  Blossoms and Birds Teacup It’s a time of accelerated progress right now, and a wonderful time for both expanding and sharing your knowledge. Trust your abilities, and take small consistent steps towards your goals. Keep company with others from your tribe, and if you have no tribe, seek out like-minded people who can support you, believe in you and help you grow.  Best Crystal – LABRADORITE  ♥ Power Word – KNOWLEDGE ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Places that allow you to develop your craft, your wisdom and your skill. This could be courses, seminars and conferences, books, teachers and mentors, journalling, dreaming and goal setting, or a room or studio where you work on your projects or study. It can also be you stepping up to be the mentor and teacher, and you putting your gifts out into the world. Embrace possibility!

3.  Everything Golden Teacup  A time of turning corners, of new beginnings, fresh starts and remaking yourself and your life. You are being encouraged to actively create the life of your dreams. It’s your life, and you are worthy of every good thing, so step up and claim it. Situations are easing, there is support at ever turn, and you’re moving back into flow and abundance.  Best Crystal – CITRINE   Power Word – RENEWAL ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere that supports your growing sense of self-worth. Look to positive friendships and relationships that make you feel good about yourself, to clothes and hair that allow you to reclaim your confidence, to trusted advisors and teachers who can support you in making all of these much-needed changes. Take yourself on outings to places and events that inspire and uplift you. Dream yourself a new life, starting today!

4. Very Deco Teacup  This is a time on your life where you can finally begin to see, with great clarity, both the truth of your current situation, and the best way forward. A time of inspiration, vision and sound decision-making. A time of great personal power, and of establishing sovereignty in your own life – a place from which all good things will flow.  Best Crystal – CLEAR QUARTZ   Power Word – CLARITY  Magical Healing Environment – Time for planning your life, creating a vision board, or writing in your journal. This is a fabulous time for you to truly work out how you feel, and what actions and decisions need to be made to make your life more authentic and fulfilling. You’ll surprise yourself with how easily you step into your own power now!

5.  Wonderland Teacup Friendship and helpful people is the theme of this delightful teacup. What you need most right now is good company – the company of a friend or lover, of family or your favourite pets, of new friends and old. Of like-minded people who can share your journey. And it’s also letting you know that so many of the things you enjoyed in childhood are still available to support you now, and to enrich your life.  Best Crystal – ROSE QUARTZ  ♥ Power Word – FRIENDS  Magical Healing Environment – Time spent connecting with friends Catch up with old friends you haven’t seen for the longest time. Have a cup of tea with the neighbour across the way. Organise coffee, a quick meal, a picnic or an outing. Join a group. Let your heart spend time on friendship, laughter, shared problems and shared joy. Love, laugh, live!

6. French Roses Teacup  The message of this teacup is care and quality. Your soul is longing for self-expression, for individuality, for attention to detail, for beauty and for art. You could find these qualities in nature, in architecture, in cultural pursuits or in your own creative expression.  Best Crystal – FLUORITE   Power Word – INDIVIDUALITY  Magical Healing Environment – Time that allows you to express or experience things that define you as an individual   Dress in ways that help you identify with your soul energy. Choose eclectic, individual, vintage, recycled and bespoke over mass-produced. Nourish yourself with culture and beauty. Spend time in beautiful, artsy or quirky environments. Embrace your uniqueness and be your best self!

7.  Spires and Lace Teacup You’re stepping into a delicious time of creative energy. Expect ideas, insights and innovation. Challenge yourself and the status quo. Travel and open yourself to new ideas and the joy of thinking outside the square. This is a magical time for you, and you’ll be strongly guided and supported in this space of creative flow. Plan adventures, and then go! Start something new. Get things finished – there are also powerful energies for completion here.  Best Crystal – GARNET  Power Word – INSPIRED  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – People and places that stimulate you  Travel, go to new places, even if it is just a coffee shop or restaurant. Plan holidays and major life changes. Embark on new projects. Make things. End things or finish things. Think bold thoughts. Believe in yourself and in magic!

8.  Froggy Teacup This is a powerful time for healing for you right now. A time to get your body, mind and spirit back in balance. A time of drawing inwards for a while, in order to emerge renewed, healed, empowered and reinvigorated. Focus on your health and well-being. Pull back from stressful people and situations. Put your own well-being front and centre right now. It’s time for healing breakthroughs.  Best Crystal – JASPER – Whichever one you’re drawn to!   Power Word – HEAL ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Any place or person that nurtures your health  Give energy to your best healthy diet, stretch, spend time in nature, get that body moving, breathe deeply, get some sunlight on your skin, plenty of rest and consult practitioners who can support you on this journey back to wellness. You’re being supported to find healing breakthroughs!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

19 thoughts on “Magical Teacup Oracle

  1. LOVED THIS! I’ve recently become a fan of various teas and hope to collect unique tea cups and sets. I also really love anything spiritual so this was right up my alley!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement — much appreciated! The Woodland Violets pattern is so pretty; and I have indeed been wanting more quiet time to reflect on the year’s life lessons. Amethyst and angels, just right. 🙂

  3. Well there’s no prizes to know what I chose, considering my recent purchase! 🙂 The teacups also reminded me of my Nan who also loved yellow – had it on her door architraves, kitchen table, kitchenette etc. She came to me the other day. Always with arms open wide and big smile and ‘hello my lovies” Bless her. So yes, everything IS Golden. Hope you’re feeling a bit more refreshed today. much love Cherie xxxx

  4. I went to my first high tea ever yesterday with 5 of my dearest friends. We drank endless tea from beautiful pots and pretty, delicate teacups. Your oracle post today was gorgeous on its own and even more fitting just after a tea party, thank you😀 Lace & Spires for me

  5. The everything golden teacup was just perfect for me Nic. . It is time for me and I feel 2015 will be a great year for me – things will start falling into place, new beginnings and the life I dream about will start to come to fruition as I allow all the old to slip away to make way for the new. thank you xx

  6. Wow! Nicole you are always outdoing yourself with your generosity! I will take my Monday to contemplate it (Monday husband and kids are gone and house is quiet!). Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!

  7. You hit the nail on the head again. Thank you. I need to follow the advice now more than ever.
    I think I may have some of that Armageddon tea in my cupboard too. 😉

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