The Week Ahead – Oracle for Monday 22 January 2017


“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hello, Lovelies!

Here’s the oracle card I have chosen this Monday, and my take on the energetic outlook for the week ahead. I use any oracle or tarot cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. ‘Destiny’ is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman.

If you read my forecast for January, you’ll remember that this is a month for seeing yourself and your life with fresh eyes – a month for stepping out of your old story and writing a new one for the years ahead, one that expands your possibilities and that brings you meaning and joy.

I love the message of this week’s card – Destiny shows so clearly the struggle within us as we look to what we want and then begin to doubt.

It’s not that we can’t see the possibilities for our life. We can! We can see how we might do something, create something, join something, be something.

We can even see how our lives might change if we commit to new habits, if we take action, if we do the thing. We want to believe in those possibilities for ourselves. We want to commit to them.


What we also bring when we see these possibilities for ourselves is doubt. We find that we have a lack of confidence in ourselves and our abilities. A voice inside our head tells us we aren’t good enough. We don’t belong.

We begin looking for someone outside of ourselves to validate our decisions and choices. We begin to seek approval. We begin to seek opinions.

Before we know it we are swamped and overwhelmed. Our initial enthusiasm is dampened or gone, we are back in stuckness, we are defeated before we start.

Image from Quote by BK, photo credit Husky
Image from Quote by BK, photo credit Husky

Destiny reminds us that this is natural at the beginning of any journey. This doubt and fear and lack of confidence in ourselves is human. Most people feel it, including the people we see as successful and better than ourselves. They are just more practiced at hiding these feelings or overcoming them.

This week is a powerful week for meeting your indecision and lack of confidence head on. It’s a week that supports taking tangible steps towards change. It’s a week that encourages you to make decisions, to commit to a course of action, to back yourself and your plans and dreams.

It’s a glorious week for beginning to overcome lifelong patterns of ‘not good enough’.

Need help with that? Look no further than this year’s energetic forecast, and the wise advice and presence of the Prince of Disks, who advocates small steps daily towards our greater vision.

This week is also a beautiful week for planning the year ahead as we reflect on what has been, and where we want to go next.

Image from
Image from

If you’d like some extra support with manifesting your own positive destiny in 2017 go grab one of my Year of ME Planners over at my SHOP. (ME stands for Manifesting Energies, and the energies of 2017 are fabulous!) This digital full-year planner can be in your inbox in minutes, ready for you to review 2016 and begin mapping out what matters for you as we work through 2017.

Need bigger support? Join my Year of ME 12 month course and community for a whole year of deliciousness – with webinars, meditations and loads of activities and helpful tools and the most fantastic and supportive online facebook group. You’ll feel right at home with us!

If you are looking to start or grow a business I’ve got planning tools for that too, as well as a course and community, and one place left for a year of personal mentoring and coaching with me.

All the information you need is over at my SHOP.

Here's my own 2017 Planner, and my 2017 gratitude stone, my 2017 crystal pack, and the oracle cards I'm going to use for the year ahead. Pretty delicious, huh?


Supportive crystals this week? Citrine, Orange Calcite, Fluorite and Tiger Iron. Helpful essential oils?  Young Living’s Clarity essential oil blend, or  a combination (or singly!) of any of Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood and Lavender.

This is a big week for moving yourself out of stuckness and back into flow. Talk kindly and encouragingly to yourself. Hold yourself to account. You can do this!

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for a you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

10 thoughts on “The Week Ahead – Oracle for Monday 22 January 2017

  1. love the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson at the top ! Yes I’ve been having doubts of how to achieve my goal, but I have also been doing work, so am moving in the right direction, but unsure of the exact route 🙂 Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement xxx

  2. Oh wow Nicole, perfect timing as the doubt was creeping in. I have made plans, looked at what I am creating in 2017 and every day taken action, tiny steps to propel me forward. The I am not enough though whispered gently in my ear. The doubt said Hi as well.

    I went to bed last night asking for clear information on what to do now and your beautiful post was waiting for me xx

    Much love

    Jacq xx

  3. Look no further than….. ? There’s a word missing-I’ve inserted “yourself” as that’s what resonated for me. Thanks for such a positive outlook on the week. Xxxx

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