Reclaiming Your Dreams – Monday Oracle 17 July 2017

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” 
~  C. JoyBell C.

Hello, Lovelies,

I’m just loving the energies of July. It’s such a supportive month! Here’s the oracle card I have chosen this Monday, and my take on the energetic outlook for the week ahead. I use any oracle or tarot cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. ‘Self-worth’ is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman.

If you read my forecast for July, you’ll remember that July helps us to see our place within the bigger scheme of things. It supports love, connection and community and warrants some quiet time this month with loved ones.

Let’s look at the gifts Self-Worth brings us this week.

Have you ever wanted something but were afraid to try, afraid to fail, or someone talked you out of it?

There are some big messages in this Self-Worth card.

This is a week for reclaiming our joy, and reconnecting with our dreams. (Did you notice the Snow Angel in the bottom right corner of this card? 🙂 )

Why do we need to reclaim them? Why do we need to reconnect?

Because at some stage in the past we were told that we couldn’t have the dream. Or we couldn’t do the thing that gave us joy.

Or that it was better to make someone else happy ahead of ourselves.

Maybe it was us telling ourself no. Or perhaps it was a parent, a partner, an overbearing sibling, a disenchanted teacher, a jealous friend, a well-meaning but misguided mentor.

We internalised a message of low self-worth. We weren’t young enough, clever enough, pretty enough, talented enough, good enough, worthy enough. We were too dramatic, too ambitious, too deluded, too much of a dreamer. We didn’t have the money, the time, the support. Our dream or idea was crazy, dumb, not that good, done already. We needed to grow up. To act our age. To stop being embarrassing. Or selfish. Quite frankly, we needed to put that dream or that quiet love down and embrace reality. We were told to move on.

Image from

Luckily our hearts know what they want.

Our hearts never stop knowing.

Despite all the negativity and well-meaning but incorrect advice that is heaped upon them, despite our own negative self-talk or the put-downs of others, our hearts hold onto their own truth.

Inside, our dreams continue to burn. Ideas flicker, waiting for a breeze to fan the flame. Our long-neglected interests and hobbies need only a ray of sunshine and a little fresh air to spring back into being.

This week those dreams and longings begin to come back into focus. A little more of ourselves is restored. Our courage grows.

When we give ourselves permission to follow our dreams and do what makes us happy all kinds of magic begins to flow in our lives.

It’s a fabulous week for becoming much more fully ourselves. And happily so!

Supportive crystals this week?

Rose Quartz helps us to be open to love and support in all forms and to be able to RECEIVE (Load up your pockets, my loves!). Yellow Turquoise opens our hearts and helps us to heal from old hurts, enabling us to love again – especially ourselves and our dreams. Blue Obsidian gives us mental clarity and self-awareness, strengthening our ability to communicate and connect. Amazonite provides us with courage and a sense of optimism and adventure.

Helpful essential oils?

Young Living’s Believe essential oil blend, or a combination (or singly!) of any of Cardamon, Spruce, Ylang Ylang and Orange. Believe essential oil blend is uplifting and promotes confidence, spiritual connection, clarity and a belief that we can change. It also helps us to let go of fear, doubt and old emotional pain and hurt.  I often use this oil when I am writing or journalling, or working with cards for myself. (Writing is my dream and personal love, and Believe is my ‘magical sauce’ for words on the page!) It’s my oil of choice in my diffuser again this week. You can find all the oils here.

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for a you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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9 thoughts on “Reclaiming Your Dreams – Monday Oracle 17 July 2017

  1. Wow! That card!
    I did a guided meditation on sunday just gone… we took a golden elevator down to our base chakra and entered a big red room (I do believe i’ve done this before Nic! ).
    In this big red room, there was the chair in the card you’ve pulled for this post! Its nigh on identical!
    My chair asked me to sit and then it took me soaring through the clouds. My power chair indeed!
    Many thanks and I’m so glad to see you back looking healthier! XOX

  2. I liked what you said here. I’ve been journaling and pulling cards for awhile now trying to find out if I need to redirect. I had a dream, somehow it came into reality but now I find myself in over my head and the overwhelming thought that I got it all wrong. Taking lots of time this month feeling my way through. Good advice you have here.

  3. Thank you Nicole. I really need this right now. So many dreams have been put on hold and the last few weeks they have been speaking to me, reminding me that they are there and ready. I finally have some space to look at them.

    Much love and gratitude for you. xxxx

  4. Sitting here reading this with tears rolling down my face.

    I’m really ready to stop doubting and burying my dreams and start living them and be joyful , thankful & most of all happy.

    Got my chunk if rose quartz sitting on my lap💖

    Thank you Nicole and love and peace to you 💖🌼

    1. So pleased to hear that you are making space in your life for you and your dreams, Tanya xoxo

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