Ground Yourself In Truth – Monday Oracle 06 July 2020

“Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.”

Barbara De Angelis

Hello, Lovelies!

July energies are all about authenticity. It’s a month of endings and beginnings that will help us move into better alignment with our true self, encouraging us to step out of procrastination and into action.

Keep that in mind as we explore the gifts that the oracle card GROUNDING brings us this week. GROUNDING is from Chakra Reading Cards: Ancient Wisdom to Balance and Heal by Rachelle Charman.

The Gifts Of The Week Ahead

We kick off this week with the New Moon in Capricorn and a lunar eclipse. These beautiful and reassuring energies of Sun and Moon will help to gently shift you towards clarity and towards embracing yourself as you are, defining what matters to you, and reconnecting to the things you love.

You’ll begin to see a way forward, a way to adapt, a way to make the best of things, and a return to a greater sense of energy and determination. Look for opportunities to work out your true position this week – whether this is understanding your finances, creating a list of everything that needs doing, or having that hard conversation with someone in order to get answers.

The wider world may feel crazy still, but at home you’ll feel more settled. It’s a time to ground yourself in new routines, to make home comfortable, to nestle in, and create stability for yourself and your loved ones.

Stretch and get into your body. Support yourself to eat well, sleep well and return to balance. Get out into nature, and you’ll feel so much better for that reconnection.

You may also get a surge of new ideas or creative inspiration this week to help you solve problems or pivot into something with better alignment for your life, especially in regard to your finances.

Supportive crystals this week

Petrified Wood promotes compassion, wonder, curiosity and benevolence. It is a stone for healing old hurts and allowing hope back into your heart. Carnelian (pictured) will support you if you are tired, unwell or plain burned out! Add White Howlite to this if you are struggling with depression, anxiety or overwhelm. Just pop them in your pocket, or wear them somewhere on your body. They are also good to hold in meditation or to place under your pillow before sleep. And if you’re looking for a stone to help you commit time and action to your dreams, you can’t go past Ametrine! 

Helpful Essential Oils

GeraniumWild OrangeSandalwood, and Lavender work beautifully on their own or in combination this week to help you move through doubt and back to a place of confidence and positivity.

As a blend for your diffuser add two drops of each oil. A drop of each oil in the bath is heavenly too. It’s a great blend to get you out of your head and into your heartspace. It promotes spiritual connection and intuition and is deeply calming. I love this oil combination, and it’s my oil of choice in my diffuser this week.

Freaking out or find yourself absolutely stuck in inertia? Rub a drop or two of Sandalwood over your heart and on the back of your neck to help reconnect Solar Plexus, Heart, and Crown Chakra, bringing you gently into alignment with your personal truth.

Colour and Cuppa Session Reminder

A reminder for you – our next free gathering online is tomorrow. You’re invited to join us, and so are your children. It’s a way for us to connect, heart-to-heart, as intuitive and sensitive souls. It’s a way for me to tune you in to the energies of the weeks ahead, and to give you some tips and teachings for dealing with that, and for building both your metaphysical and self-care skills.

Our theme this week is ‘Ancient Places’. We’ll be talking about our energetic connections to places, and the energies of ancient places. We’ll explore themes of energetic vibration as well as psychometry and past-life memories.

The Colour and Cuppa Session will be at 7.00pm Brisbane time on Tuesday 7 July (which may be July 6 where you live). We hold these sessions every fortnight. To support people in other time zones we are scheduling these live events at various times throughout the year so you can find one that works for you.

We’ll be holding this gathering via Zoom. All of the details and the link will be in our Facebook Group, The Journeymakers, prior to the event.

If you’re not already a member you can join here:

Allow yourself to sink into the gentle energies of the week ahead, stay true to yourself and do whatever you can to honour your heart.

Enjoy this energetic shift, and celebrate life – it’s such a precious gift, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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