Happy Birthday, Harry!

2013-08-25 17.17.59

“Birthdays are nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake.” 
~ Jo Brand

Harry, our young Blue Heeler cattle dog, is celebrating his first birthday.

We’ve started with a big run-around in the orchard and a few celebratory laps of the top paddocks. There is so much pleasure in being young, with good knees and strong back legs and an ability to speed flat out over any kind of terrain. When we think of our old dog, Charlie, and then see Harry tearing about, we are filled with an indescribable joy. If this is reincarnation, I’m all for it! We’ll give Harry some Pink Lady Apple today too. It was always Charlie’s favourite.

In one year Harry’s grown from a tiny ball of fluff into a well-socialised dog who is learning the ropes of farm responsibilities, and who enjoys any kind of outing.

2012-12-20 06.50.11

Soon we’re heading off to town for cafe time, and a little crispy bacon, just for Birthday Dog. There will be lots of extra pats and attention today, and Harry’s always up for that. Meanwhile, Bert, our red cattle-boxer cross, will be asleep on the bed at home, having some time for himself. Bert adores Harry but after the strenuous activity of the early morning, followed by a big breakfast, he’s ready for a nap.

Our friend at the fish shop has put aside some tuna off-cuts and a few fat fresh prawns. Not for me, for Harry!

And tonight a barbeque with friends who will bring their dogs so that all our pups can play together and exhaust themselves. That’s actually a fairly standard weekend, and not anything to do with Harry’s birthday, but who can resist having cake? Any excuse, I say.

Will you join me for a cupcake and a little moment of celebration of life, joy, puppies, love and friendship?

Sending you much love from our little family and the farm at Possum Creek,

Nicole xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

14 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Harry!

  1. Happy birthday to you ,happy birthday to you , happy birthday dear Harry , happy birthday to you.
    Loved the paw cakes have a great week end .
    Cherry x

  2. Hi Nicole,
    I have recently found your blog through a friend of mine and have found it absolutely fascinating. I have especially enjoyed reading your Kimberly Stories and a lot of what you have written about rings very true for me and I have got goosebumps numerous times. Thanks for sharing your stories. I have loved reading them!

    And a big Happy Birthday to Harry! He looks like an amazing dog 🙂

  3. Awww, Happy Birthday Harry, I wish I could come to your barbie birthday tonight with all my 7 dogs to celebrate with you. My Teddy would especially be a good friend for you, he’s just turned 2 a d is a border collie x kelpie, you two would have lots in common, especially running fast across the paddocks !! Enjoy your day xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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