Why it’s important to be a Lightworker

Image by Vivid Candle
Image by Vivid Candle

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~ Buddha

A Lightworker, most simply stated, is someone who intentionally brings Light and positive energy into the world. You don’t need to feel aligned with the metaphysical and psychic realms to be a Lightworker. If you are practicing kindness and sharing love in the world you are, by definition, a Lightworker.

When we first start living with awareness, practicing kindness and gratitude or sharing our gifts with the world we usually crave some kind of feedback.

We want to know: Did I make a difference? Did the work make a difference? Did the healing or the teaching make a difference?

Image from Golden Reiki
Image from Golden Reiki

When we put positive energy out into the world it is always hard to gauge the efficacy of that energy.   One thing I have come to understand is that we don’t need to know. We just need to trust.

Putting positive energy and intent into the world is like casting a stone into a pond. That act of Light and Love will ripple out and away from us, touching the lives of others in ways that we may never be aware. It may also create secondary ripples that arise from our own, giving that first action or idea new life, continuing and enriching our original effect.

Image by Hollie Nickolls
Image by Hollie Nickolls

On my Spiritual Retreat last year I shared a simple meditation technique called ‘Eating the Sun’. It’s a technique I was taught many, many years ago when I was just starting out on my spiritual journey (but that’s a whole other story). Recently, one of the women from our retreat, a psychologist, shared this with our group:

Hi. I wanted to share a success story with you guys where I can talk about it openly! I saw a lady last week in crisis, suicidal with ongoing stressors in her life. I gave her a few strategies (service approved) some not so much. I particularly suggested going out into the sunlight to imagine herself eating or breathing in the sun light while breathing out or diffusing darkness into the earth. This wk she has no suicidal thoughts, massive improvement in mood and is sharing with me how helpful breathing in sun and diffusing darkness was. Yay… Thanks Nicole! Love when we can share some light with the world.

That’s the beautiful thing about Lightwork. I love when we share that spark of light with others, who in turn share it with others, who in turn… you know how it goes!

We never know what dark places that little shared spark of light might illuminate. The woman who originally showed me this technique has since passed on, but her ripples are still being felt across the world, and are begetting new energies, ensuring that her intent to spread love, light and positive emotion continues to endure and grow.

What positive energies can you put out into the world today?

It’s never your job to judge how effective they might be, or whom they might influence. Truth is, you’ll never know. The only important thing is that you shine your Light.

Much, much love and some really big hugs, Nicole xx

PS – Tomorrow I’ll show you how to ‘Eat the Sun’!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3158

17 thoughts on “Why it’s important to be a Lightworker

  1. light is it is the frequency that we perceive within, our energy can help others, but given that we can only perceive a narrow frequency of light, we do need to trust where it goes, be street wise with you energy

  2. Hi Nicole
    Thank YOU for being a light worker – putting all this out into the webosphere without ever knowing what it will do and merely trusting that it will do good. Well it does. I share your posts sometimes on my Facebook page and my blog which are about self-development through parenting. http://www.EilatAviram.com Now parenting, whew, that’s a whole other kind of light-working!

    I’m looking forward to inhaling the sun 🙂

    In light

  3. I have never heard of eating the sun ,Nicole, but I am up for it . I’m sure it tastes sweeter than the bitter taste I am tasting at the mo . That’s equally a long story . So looking forward to tomorrow …hope we have a little sunshine so I can do some practicing .
    Cherry x

  4. Love this…look forward to how to eat the sun! I am going to eat sun and remove arthritis and degeneration from my spine! Big hug to you and sending love and healing light to you…x

  5. i was hoping that you would share the “eating the sun” meditation! will it work even when there is no sun visible? i live in grey, foggy oregon! it is like that for at least 5 – 8 months of the year! i hope the sun comes out soon. i haven’t seen it’s face in well over a week now. thank you for sharing your bright light with the whole world. you touch me so profoundly each and every day/week!

  6. Hello there. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any blogging…still haven’t, truth be told, except to open the old girl back up after almost 2 years. I want you to know that this post really touched me today, as I pondered whether or not anything I say can or will make a difference. Thank you for that. Thank you for the ripple that reached me.

  7. Thank you Nicole. You are so amazing. You keep inspiring, even though your health plays havoc with you. This is another inspiring text. I do my best to shine my light. At work it seems more automatic when I practice my job as an allied health professional. At home I sometimes falter, which makes me disappointed with myself. My kids and husband deserve the same light at home. Reading your blog today makes me happy and focus on letting my light shine, also when I am about to stumble. Thank you for sharing your words with the world. Looking forward to the next blog. X

  8. I love the idea of “eating the sun” — look forward to reading tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us — an aha moment for me … I must “trust” the effects of my actions more!! 🙂
    Namaste ~~

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