Doctor, Doctor…

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“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation — either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.


When do you accept your current circumstances, and when do you keep fighting for change?

As someone who has lived with chronic illness and limitation for much of their life, this is a question I often ask myself.

I’m off to a new doctor today. Well, not so new. I’ve seen them twice before. I hesitate to write anything else at all about them, such is the culture of bullying and persecution that exists for doctors brave enough to diagnose and treat lyme disease here in Australia.


I saw my first lyme doctor back in 2013. They treated me with a hardcore regime of antibiotics and antibacterials, supplements and diet – saving my life and reversing many of my symptoms. But their practice was closed down fourteen months later, leaving me part-way through my treatment protocol and scrambling to find competent care.

I finally found another doctor to take me on.

Only to have that practice close down too.

I managed to cobble together a treatment plan and find other doctors who would treat me ‘under the radar’ but who couldn’t prescribe the drugs I needed to complete my treatment.

I improved a little more, and stabilised.

But slowly the old symptoms began to return, no matter what I did. Peripheral neuropathy, pain, rashes, facial numbness, exhaustion, mental confusion, neurological incontinence and lyme bladder, terrible headaches, eye pain, loss of vision, impaired balance, slow reflexes, sleep disturbance, fevers, sweats, heart problems.

Then I ended up with the flu at Easter, after which my old Lyme symptoms raged with a vengeance. My thyroid function has been almost destroyed, and my antibodies are off the chart. I have ongoing heart problems and vision disturbance which has not improved.

To have been on the road to well, and then to slide back again is terrifying.

To have gained function and then lost it again has been mental torture.

In early March, while I was in the Philipines I made the decision that I would leave Australia if necessary, to access the drugs and treatment that have been proven to lead me to recovery.

When I came home from Cebu someone in my circle directed me to this doctor, and told me they had discussed me with them, and that they would help me.

So, off I go today. I no longer even sit in a hopeful space. I am resolved and resigned. This is my new Plan A. But I have a Plan B and a Plan C too.

I know I can have a better quality of life. I’ve experienced that. And having tasted it I want more.

I’m not done fighting.

So, I’ll keep you posted. Fingers crossed this one is the last doctor I need for a long while.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3152

27 thoughts on “Doctor, Doctor…

  1. I second that emotion! Please please PLEASE Universe send Nicole ALL that she needs and more on her journey to optimal health and wellness! Sending you love and strength to you and your family Nicole! ❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪

  2. Goodness I hope you get the help that you need Nicole! You give so much to the world it’s about time you got some back! Help this Woman…… Universe……do you hear me?????

  3. Your fighting spirit is truly inspiring Nicole. I hope that your new doctor is your dream come true and that you are able to commence an even better treatment plan than the one you had before, without having to turn to Plan B or C. Sending you love, light and tulips from Amsterdam. ❣🌷❣🌷

  4. Sending loving requests and positive healing energy your way. I so want to do some healings for you but I know you have that all sorted. Be well 💖💖💖

  5. You are foremost in my thoughts, as is your “new” Dr. Blessings for a long & fruitful healing Sharon (Genevieve Lilleys step mum) xx >

  6. I so hope this doctor can give you the treatment that you need. And if not, that you can find it elsewhere. What a bold and brave statement! Onward and upward, Nicole! Love to you and your family.

    1. Already on it, Cristina. It’s brilliant stuff. But some of my current issues are serious and I need medical support for them now, even as I do these other things. Thanks for thinking of me. (((HUGS))) xoxo

  7. Maybe it’s because I live somewhat within driving distance of Lyme, CT where the disease gets it’s name from and because we even test and vaccinate our dogs for Lyme disease here that I cannot get my head around the fact that you can’t get proper treatment. I guess since it’s so common here it’s hard to comprehend. Just last week a coworker was going to the doctor to have a tick bite looked at. There was no telltale bullseye rash but he wanted to be on the safe side. I really hope you can find a doctor to help you once and for all. No one should have to go through what you’re going through.

  8. I’m thinking of you Nicole. Today is a special day. Today is my mother’s birthday. She passed 14 years ago, 4 days before her 57th birthday. She was a very special person. Since she’s gone, I ask for her help from where she is. Today I ask her to be with you, to giveyou strength and hope and to guide this doctor in giving you the best treatment and cure. Love and hugs.

  9. Prayers Nicole that your doctor today will be able to begin a new healing process that will give you better health and a not to slow road to recovery xxoxx

  10. Dear Nicole, Sending you all the best for your ‘new’ doctor’s appointment and outcome.  In addition, have you read much about the potency and efficacy of cultured foods in healing so many conditions and illnesses?  There is a woman in the U.S., Donna Schwenk (her website is, who healed herself of debilitating health and went on to heal her family and others. 

    Now it is her life passion to share this with and help others, as she believes/knows, and has seen evidence of, its restoring so many people to health.  She has developed recipes and ideas to make it as easy and do-able as possible to make your own.  Her ‘sacred’ trilogy is kefir (dairy or non-dairy), kombucha and cultured vegetables, one or all.

    I don’t know specifically about lyme disease, but the health of the gut seems to be so connected to not only the health of the immune system, but so many other major health issues as well, I wouldn’t be surprised.  I think you would find in her website and personal story, as well as her 2 books and Hay House radio show, a loving, dedicated soul sister.

    Hope this is helpful.  Blessings, Light and Love,Sharon

    From: Cauldrons and Cupcakes To: Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 3:54 PM Subject: [New post] Doctor, Doctor… #yiv6324783660 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv6324783660 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv6324783660 a.yiv6324783660primaryactionlink:link, #yiv6324783660 a.yiv6324783660primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv6324783660 a.yiv6324783660primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv6324783660 a.yiv6324783660primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv6324783660 | Cauldrons and Cupcakes posted: ““As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation — either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”~ Martin Lu” | |

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks so much for thinking of me! Fermented foods are a cornerstone of my diet. And they have helped immensely. But not enough. I think anything you can do to improve digestive function and nutrition will go a long way towards healing. Thanks so much for sharing this with me and our community. Much love, Nicole xx

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