Book and Course Creation Boot Camp – NOW OPEN!

Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.
~ Albert Einstein


Do you want to write a book*, create a course, build an author or brand platform and generate content or blog posts? (*Non-fiction books will work well, you could even be working on a fiction project and author platform but this is NOT the course if you are looking for guidance to write the world’s next great literary novel!)

This Bootcamp is designed to get you out of stuckness or apathy and into action. 

Who doesn’t love a Bootcamp! Unlike courses that drag out, this one is delivered over two punchy weekends that will get you working, creating and completing so that you can have real results by the end of our time together.

The entire course will be recorded, so if you can’t make a live session you can catch up in your own time – but as much as possible we recommend working along with us over the allocated times so that you actually GET THE WORK DONE!

I’ll be working right alongside you as I create a book and course of my own, and I’ll be showing you the inside workings of my own processes, as well as sharing information I have paid other mentors tens of thousands of dollars to learn from the best!

You’ll also get worksheets, a done-for-you book template, and the opportunity to ask questions about your own specific project.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a clear idea yet. Part of the preparation process will help you to choose an idea and find the right title/name/subject matter too!

This course will suit you if you want to start or revitalise a blog and generate blog posts and articles, and build an author platform. It will also work for you if you want to write a book to promote your work or to sell as a solution for your target audience and their problems. We’ll also be looking at how to turn your ideas and content into online courses and other offers, such as coaching or sessions with you – or other things that support the growth of your business and/or brand.

Once you have your course or book outline and your blog themes and ideas, we will look at what is needed to market your work, to build your audience, and to improve the flow of traffic to your website or blog. I’ll help you with copywriting, social media support and the structure of your marketing tools.

The format of the bootcamp is that I will give you information via live or pre-recorded webinars and videos that have an accompanying workbook. Once you’ve watched the video you have homework to complete before the next video begins. If you keep up with the work by the end of this bootcamp you’ll have a clear outline and be on your way to having written your book, course, or blogs, and you’ll have a clear marketing strategy to reach your audience, build traffic and a database of names, and a process for getting sales and followers.

The course runs over the following dates (all times are Brisbane, Australia):

1. Saturday 1 September – one hour at 10am to get you started on your preparation work. This is where I’ll show you how to figure out what you can write about, teach or create. The call will be recorded if you can’t make it, and so you can watch it back at your leisure as many times as you want. We’ll also be doing a repeat of this live prep call on Sunday 16th September at 11am if you didn’t make the first call and have questions (or if you are someone who leaves your prep til the last minute!)
2. Friday 21 September – 7.30pm – 60 minutes of preparation to write your book or course outline (or blog themes) and a Q and A session.
3. Saturday 22 September – You’ll be creating your outlines using self-paced instructional videos throughout the day – work through these at your leisure. We’ll kick off with a live webinar to explain the activities for the day at 8am.
4. Sunday 23 September – we’ll have three live webinars at 10am, 12pm and 4pm. Today we’ll be focusing on crafting your offer, and why you need more than one offer. This means I’ll be showing you how to sell without selling or being pushy. If you are writing blogs we’ll also be talking about how to monetise them and why you need to!
5. Saturday October 13 – We’ll have three live webinars today at 9am, 12pm and 4pm. These will be focusing on building your marketing skills and helping you to develop a marketing strategy for your book, course, blogs or other offers. Today we’ll look at finding your voice, social media, SEO, and Traffic Generation.
6. Sunday October 14 – We’ll have three live webinars again today. Our focus for the last day of bootcamp is building out your offers, using hashtags, simple emails, posts and challenges to generate excitement, and when to use PR to build your buzz and get you additional exposure.

Once you purchase your ticket you’ll be emailed a link to join the course.

Click HERE to explore the course!

I’ll see you there. Much love and excitement, Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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