How To Be A Traveller In Your Own Hometown.

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac


Hello, Lovelies,

This week’s energies support all kinds of travel, adventure and fun. Which is great if you happen to be on holidays or have plenty of free time up your sleeve to whisk yourself away at short notice. But what if you don’t? Try these solutions instead.

Happy Adventuring!

Lots of love, Nicole ❤ xx

1. Drive a new route to work, or anywhere else you normally travel in a routine way. This gives you the chance to see new things, and to stimulate your mind.

2. Eat out somewhere new. Try a cuisine that’s new to you. Try an ethnic place, or a tiny hole-in-the-wall Mom and Pop place, or that brewhouse or pizza place you’ve been meaning to try for ages but never got around to.

3. Be a tourist in your hometown. Go do the things you’d do if you were showing international visitors around. I bet you haven’t been to some of those attractions or destinations in a very long time, if at all. Trip Advisor can be your best friend here.

4. Wander around the city, or a shopping mall you haven’t been to before. Give yourself time to stroll, and to enjoy everything you see.

5. Visit a Farmers Market or a Food Hall. Buy something new and interesting to cook for dinner.

6. Tune your car radio to another station, or shake up your usual music mix. Sing a little. Dance if you feel inclined.

7. Go on a train trip, bus trip or ferry ride. It doesn’t matter where you go. Use the time to look around and see new things. Disembark and go for a stroll. Hop back on and go home again.

8. Check out what free exhibitions and concerts are on in your hometown. Museums, art galleries, public libraries and universities often have the coolest free stuff. Go visit one!

9. Pack a picnic lunch and go to the local park. Invite some friends. Take a frisbee, a football, or some music. Hang out, laugh and enjoy yourself.

10. Have a themed meal at home. Choose a cuisine or a destination anywhere in the world. Invite a few friends or family. Choose some food and music. Ask everyone to bring a plate if that’s easier. Add an extra something for yourself and your guests in the way of entertainment. Maybe everyone needs to dress ‘Tropical’ or ‘Italian’. Maybe it’s charades or a singalong. Or a crazy boardgame. Have fun with it. Party!


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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