Simple Steps To Increase Intuition

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~ Albert Einstein Hey, Lovelies. I know many of you are feeling disconnected from your intuitive flow right now. All of us are intuitive […]

Embracing Being A Beginner

  The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. ~ Stephen McCranie Hey, Lovelies. I had a beautiful session with a new client yesterday. She is approaching an exciting time in her life – the end of one career with glimpses of something new in the wings, something creative and heart-felt […]

Your Unrealised Creative Dream – What If It’s All About Timing?

  There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness. ~ Shannon L. Alder Hey, Lovelies. Have you got a dream that just isn’t happening? A problem that just isn’t fixing? A situation that just isn’t resolving? Or an idea you just can’t stop thinking about? There’s something in the air right now, with the […]

Laughing, and eating sugar!

If you don’t laugh you’ll cry. ~ everyone’s Nana, Pop or wise mentor at some stage Hey, Lovelies. I had one of those work days yesterday. I started really early. I finished really late, and we managed to jam a number of emergencies into the small gaps in my day – because so many people […]


Coping is non-linear, messy and ongoing. And yet, there is still so much beauty…

Insights, Inspiration and Action – Monday Oracle 13 June 2022

The energies this week support a gentle letting go of the things that have been weighing us down. There doesn’t need to be a struggle or a big dramatic scene. In fact, the very best kind of letting go is one where we decide to let something go with grace and ease. When we let go, we invite new possibilities…

Two Delightful Gifts

Today is a gift. Today is all I have. I be fully awake in today. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita Hey, Lovelies. I experienced two unexpected gifts yesterday. The first one was from nature. I started work very early, and ended late in the day, but in the middle I had a gap of a couple […]

It’s Okay To Ask for Help

  Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem. ~ Virginia Satir Hey, Lovelies. I know, I know. You are great at helping others. So good at it. You are also good at advising others to seek help. Because, we all need it from time to time, right? I also know that when we […]

Easy Poached Chicken Breast Recipe – So Moist!

The chicken is a little dry and you’ve ruined my life. ~ Ben Lerner Hey, Lovelies! Having cooked chicken breasts in my fridge or freezer means I have easy protein to add to a salad, pasta, burritos, stirfry, rice, sandwiches or soup. I make this simple recipe almost weekly, and it makes life so much […]

Lighten Up By Letting Go – Monday Oracle 6 June 2022

The energies this week support a gentle letting go of the things that have been weighing us down. There doesn’t need to be a struggle or a big dramatic scene. In fact, the very best kind of letting go is one where we decide to let something go with grace and ease. When we let go, we invite new possibilities…

Friday Night Vibes

  Music always sounds better on Friday. ~ Lou Brutus Hey, Lovelies. I am really coming to love Fridays. We’ve got a bit of a thing happening now at the Treehouse on a Friday afternoon. I finish work early. Ben and I might do some writing together. That feels amazing… It’s been too long since […]

Don’t Be Too Quick To Judge A Messed-Up Life

  I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of […]

Do you have a TBR pile?

Books. They are friends, medicine, an escape. They are inspiration, guidance and a soothing balm. And I have a pile of them, just waiting to be read…

To Find Your Flow You Need To Rest

Have you lost your mojo, or your connection to your intuition or creativity? I have a solution that’s easy to apply in daily life, and which works very effectively as a first step back to flow…

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