Kindness Challenge – Week Six

Image from Stone Arch
Image from Stone Arch

“Are we being good ancestors?”
~Jonas Salk


Hello Lovelies! Welcome to the sixth and final of our Kindness Challenge.

To participate in today’s challenge all you need to do is select and perform one of the following kindness activities. This week’s challenge is all about leaving a legacy that can benefit others in some way.

I encourage you to explore more than one of the ideas I have listed over time. Not only will these ideas help to leave the world a better place, they will also enrich your life as you are living it. There is a great gift in giving to others; in how we feel about ourselves and regard ourselves. There is also a sense of comfort to be had in being able to shape the future of those around us in positive ways.

Image from
Image from

Okay, Kindness Ambassadors, let’s go!

  1. Write or record the stories of your life, to leave for your children and grandchildren.
  2. Record or have your grandparents or parents write down the stories from their own lives.
  3. Plant a tree that you will never live to see fully grown.
  4. Write down all the family recipes in a book you can give to a younger relative.

    Image from FamilyHistory4U
    Image from FamilyHistory4U
  5. Encourage people. You never know what that encouragement might lead to, or who will be able to thank you later in life for your kind words, or having had faith in them.
  6. Donate to charity or tithe as part of your daily life. Give money to organisations or individuals whose values you admire or that sit well with your own.
  7. Join a political party, or other organisation whose aim is to serve others and to shape the world in some way. Join because you care, and want to help change things. Join because you want to be involved, to contribute.

    Image of Sea Shepherd Crew from All Road Sat
    Image of Sea Shepherd Crew from All Road Sat
  8. Write letters to your loved ones, that can be given to them after your passing.
  9. Love your family and friends well, so that your love lives on in their hearts and memories after you are gone.
  10. Use your talents and gifts. Do what you can to refine and polish these things within you. Be the best that you can be in your chosen field, hobby or interest.
  11. Live with passion.
  12. Strive for excellence in what matters to you. As you lift yourself up, you lift those around you, you set a good example, and you can mentor others.
  13. Pass your values and skills on to others. Don’t worry if what you share is a life skill. Teaching someone to knit, to cook an egg, or to tie a knot is as valuable as teaching a complex science. There is strength, wisdom and beauty in skills passed down, enriching each generation. And the memories that are made!

    Elizabeth teaches Katie to knit - Image by Elizabeth Voss
    Elizabeth teaches Katie to knit – Image by Elizabeth Foss
  14. Prepare your will. Put thought into it. Update it as needed.
  15. Record the names, dates and locations for your old photographs. If you have elderly relatives, offer to do this with them while they still remember.
  16. Donate information, images and old items to museums or historical associations.
  17. Organise to donate your organs. You won’t need them if you die, but you could give someone else the most precious of gifts – life!
  18. If you want to have children, get healthy and be in the best shape you can be before conception. Look after yourself during pregnancy. Don’t drink or smoke. Gift your child a healthy start to life.
  19. If you are an artist, a writer, a thinker, an inventor, a cook, a creator, a builder. a nutty professor – leave a body of work behind. Books, music, paintings, papers, recipes,philosophy, inventions,constructions, creations.

    Christ in the House of His Parents – painted 1849 – By Sir John Everett Millais
  20. Provide emotional support to someone in need.
  21. Create a family scrapbook or photo album.
  22. Record the history of artifacts you’re received from others For example, if there is a piece of furniture, jewelry, or an embroidered article write down the history of the piece and how it came to you. Accompany your history with photos and information about how to best care for and use the item.
  23. Be honest, and live with integrity.
  24. Don’t give up when you fail. So many of life’s successes came after many, many failures.
  25. Live from your heart, be brave enough to be vulnerable, love deeply.
Image from Swimming In Bubbles
Image from Swimming In Bubbles
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3161

4 thoughts on “Kindness Challenge – Week Six

  1. Except for writing the history of my life (Grandparents are all dead as is my dad) I pretty much try to do most of the stuff you have listed. Great idea though. Gives those around me ideas as well. 🙂

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