Feeling Better Every Day!

 Hi everyone. 

It’s Nurse Bert reporting from Mum’s phone cos we have no power. This bed’s a little crowded! We’d like to be blogging but actually, we all slept in because of the blackout. It was lovely. 

We are here at the farm and today I get to go for a very short walk on my new bionic knee. Mum says my knee being fixed is much better than any silly holiday she would have had. I think so too. 

That’s Harry in the background. He is ready for a cafe visit. But I think I might have a bit more sleep. A big truck just arrived with men to fix the broken power line where a tree fell on it in the big wind last night. That is all my news. 

Oh yeah, plus one new baby calf. I hope it will be friends with me. Bye for now, love Bert xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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7 thoughts on “Feeling Better Every Day!

  1. So glad to hear your on the mend Bert! You’ll be out there herding that new calf in no time! Or perhaps that new calf will be following you around like a little puppy dog, it will love you so much. And I’m sure your mom will have lots of opportunities to go on silly vacations in the future, when she is all better too! It’s all ‘Devine’ timing don’t ya know! Lol. And say ‘hi’ to your human folks and Harry for me! And lotsa doggie kisses to you Bert! <3 šŸ™‚

  2. smilin’ ear to ear…oh! Bert you are so adorable…and Cafe Dog too…your folks are the best, a new bionic knee…woohooo…and I’m also sure the new calf is going to adore you…XOXO

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