Learn To Meditate With A Mala!

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ~ Amit Ray

Meditation has been my anchor since I was a young girl. It’s my daily go-to, to unwind, to calm my mind, to manage my anxieties, to reduce my stress, to deepen my spiritual connection, to know myself. Over the years meditation has also helped me navigate chronic illness and acute pain. I can’t think of a better way to bring myself back to calm.

I use a range of techniques when I meditate. Just like I have clothes in my wardrobe and I can select what I wear based on how I feel, I can also choose a meditation method, and one of the most accessible and easy meditation methods is using a string of beads called a Mala.

A Mala is a string of 108 beads. They are sometimes known as prayer beads, buddha beads or rosary beads.  Maybe you wear one as jewellery – they’ve become very popular lately, and it seems that every second person has one wrapped around their wrist or hung about their neck. But do you really know how to use one?

(In a hurry to get your Mala and Online Course? Go Here!)
Buy the Mala And Online Course

This is the Mala you will receive – 108 beads plus the Guru and Blessing Bead, all hand-knotted on black cotton and finished with a black cotton tassel.

When I am tired, stressed or overthinking using a mala in meditation gives my fingers something to do and occupies that busy part of my brain so that I can gently come back to a place of calm and peace. I hold each bead in my fingers one by one, and slowly travel each of the 108 beads. I might use my breath, a prayer, a mantra, a visualisation, or something more shamanic. And it transforms me. It soothes me. It heals and reconnects me.

I can’t recommend using a Mala highly enough, especially if you are the type of person who usually struggles with meditation, or who has never been able to do it in a way that has been helpful for you.

Even holding or wearing my Mala brings me peace.

If I am preparing to mentor students or run a retreat I will create a meditation Mala specifically for my group, with each bead representing a student. I chose a different style of bead for each person, one that will be immediately recognisable to my touch. When my fingers find that bead in meditation I can tune in to my student, assess how they are going, and send them healing, energy and direction. When the course is complete I will pull the Mala apart and send my students their personal bead for them to wear or as a talisman and keepsake.

And now I can help you to use a Mala too.

You can learn more about it and order it here in my Store.
Buy the Mala And Online Course

Would you like to buy your Mala knowing that it has been lovingly crafted in a fair-trade environment rather than some sweat-shop or underhanded place where the only motive is maximising profit? Would you prefer to buy and wear your Mala knowing that every bead has been blessed with love, and that the finished Mala has been blessed twice – once in a holy ceremony at a Hindu Temple in India and once in a crystal grid with prayers, meditation and my Tibetan Singing Bowl on my farm here in Byron Bay, Australia?

Would you like to buy your Mala knowing that you’ll be taught how to meditate with it and care for it so that it can do more than just adorn your neck or wrist?

I’ve had my very own meditation Mala designed and made. It feels incredibly soothing to hold or wear. I’ve also created a comprehensive five-day online course that teaches you all about the components of your Mala – what the beads and crystals mean – as well as three specific meditation techniques to help you use your Mala in meaningful ways. This is no light-weight course. I will teach you the things you would learn if you came to a workshop or retreat with me, including hands-on healing and 

This Mala will be a beautiful gift for you, or for someone you love who would benefit from learning meditation. The introductory price for this is just $95 AUD plus postage for both the hand-crafted Mala and the 5 day online course because it’s so important to me that you are supported in your life and on your spiritual journey.
All my love, Nicole ❤ xx

You can learn more about it and order it here in my Store.
Buy the Mala And Online Course

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

5 thoughts on “Learn To Meditate With A Mala!

  1. I’m
    Having difficult ordering the Mala
    Have tried fir a few days
    I’m very keen to purchase this
    Could someone please help me?
    Many thanks
    With love

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