The Danger You Never Knew Was There – Monday Oracle 13 April 2020

“I had never before seen somebody I admired understand what was expected of him, choose to act otherwise, and be happier for it. For the first time in my life I realized that it was possible to reinvent oneself.”

Joel Derfner

Hello, Lovelies!

April’s here, and with it come energies of creativity, inner journeying and self-awareness. It’s a month for going within to find your answers, and for reconnection in relationships, and with things that matter to you.

Keep that in mind as we explore the gifts that the oracle card BE YOUR BEST SELF ALWAYS brings us this week. BE YOUR BEST SELF ALWAYS is from the Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield and Josephine Wall.

The Gifts Of The Week Ahead

Our world is usually fast-paced, and so are our lives. We’re go, go, go. Our kids are go, go, go. Our inbox is always full. Our social media streams are a constant flow of input. Marketing is everywhere. Social Influencers are a thing. From dawn til dusk and right through the midnight hours it’s almost impossible to unplug.

The frog-in-the-pot metaphor comes to mind. The story goes that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water it will freak out and do all it can to climb out and save its own life. But if you put the frog into a pot of tepid water and slowly increase the temperature the frog won’t panic, and won’t register the danger it is in. That’s how you cook a frog.

Suddenly, we’ve been pulled out of the cooking pot. As we move from go-go-go to slow we finally have a chance to simply be. No need for an endless stream of marketing messages. No need for mass-consumerism and thinking that buying stuff is the solution to every problem, including the big emotional ones. We have a chance to tune in. Not to the outside world but to our inner wisdom.

That might be uncomfortable. You might realise how tired you are, and how your busy life wasn’t actually fulfilling you. Or maybe your life was great but you never seemed to get to the things that were important to you. Maybe, worse than that, you’d forgotten what was important to you.

COVID-19 has given us a rare opportunity to hit the pause button and get out of that rapidly warming pot.

As the pollution clears you might come to appreciate the blueness of the sky, the clarity of the water, or the fact that you can hear birdsong instead of traffic.

Or your thoughts might be closer to home. Maybe you don’t have enough social connection, or enough financial security, or other stuff (I need to sort things out with my sister, get my will written, return that thing I borrowed, get that back room cleaned out, learn to cook something other than noodles) that momentum had kept tamped down where you didn’t need to deal with it until ‘later’.

You might start thinking about the big questions there just wasn’t time for before. Like why so many people can’t access basic health care, or what might the world look like if we actively worked on saving the planet, or why there are such disturbing levels of domestic violence, or what to do with kids who don’t fit within the conventional education system, or how to take better care of the most vulnerable in our communities.

And then there are the big questions in YOUR life. Is your life working for you? Are you healthy, happy, satisfied? Is it okay to live with less stuff and more time? What matters to you? What really matters? Is there something you need to do, are driven to do, or would love to try? What are you going to do about it?

BE YOUR BEST SELF ALWAYS has a strong message for you this week. You always cared. There was always more to you than this busy-busy life we’ve all been leading. Things just got so busy that you didn’t notice how hot the water in the pot had become.

How much of that old life do you really need? And what could the world look like if you built a more conscious and aware one?

That all starts with getting quiet, going within and finding your best self. The self that was there all along, waiting for a moment when it could have your undivided attention.

That moment is now.

Listen big. Care. Embrace the possibility of doing your life differently. Because I promise you, now you know better, it’s going to be hard to get back into that boiling pot.

Supportive crystals for the week ahead

Clear Quartz will support you with all forms of soul work, holding intention and clear seeing. Smoky Quartz (pictured) keeps you grounded and connected, gifting inner strength and the ability to listen deeply. If you’re feeling completely lost Smoky Quartz helps you get back on your feet again. Iolite illuminates your depths and helps you to see what’s hiding, and what you’re not seeing – a beautiful stone for boosting self-belief. Moonstone encourages self-care, soothes worry, raises vibration and stimulates your capacity to problem solve using both intuition and reason.

Helpful Essential Oils

Each of the following oils will work beautifully on their own for you this week but they’ll also make a delicious combination for diffusing. To make your own little blend add 1 drop of Vetiver, 4 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Ylang Ylang and 2 drops of Bergamot to 30ml of a suitable base oil. Dab a drop on your Crown Chakra, back of neck, over your heart, wrists and the soles of your feet.

Vetiver will calm and ground us, promoting emotional balance and wisdom, Lavender keeps us in flow and relaxed, Ylang Ylang opens our hearts and is supportive when we feel anxious or overwhelmed, and Bergamot brings joy, gratitude and optimism.  To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser.

Come Join Us for Some Connection and Feel-Good Energy

Each fortnight I am holding a free webinar, which is also a lovely chat, colouring and meditation session. You’re invited to join us, and so are your children.

Our theme this week is ‘Rest and Rejuvenate’.

Before the webinar begins I’ll have some downloadable colouring pages for you. Or you can bring your own project.

The cup of tea, or coffee, or whatever beverage and snacks you’d prefer will be up to you.

Our next webinar will be at 4.00pm Brisbane time on Tuesday 14 April (which may be April 13 where you live).

We’ll be holding this webinar via Zoom. All of the details and the link will be in our free Facebook Group, The Journeymakers.

If you’re not already a member you can join here:

I can’t wait to see you all!

Meanwhile, embrace discomfort and big questions, and know that you were born to be part of this change that is coming. Love, hugs and self-aware moments, Nicole xx

PS – Here’s a photo of Daisy Mae’s nose, up close and personal. I was trying to get a picture of our latest new calf for you – a tiny wee red thing that’s all legs and ears, and Daisy Mae thought my phone might be a tasty Easter treat and she moved in FAST. She managed to lick it almost out of my hand just a second later. Gotta love that girl!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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