Blue Moon 2015 – How To Work With These Energies

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“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.”
~ Paulo Coelho, The Zahir

On Friday, July 31, we’ll have our second full moon in one month. This double moon has become known in recent times as a Blue Moon. They aren’t very common. Our next Blue Moons will be in January and March of 2018.

This full moon is particularly significant. It is the Full Moon in Aquarius, opposed by a Leo Sun, and with Venus in retrograde.

Energetically, this Blue Moon shuts the door on the past. Especially the energies pre-2012. It illuminates the truth in our lives. The truth we know in our heart of hearts. The things we need to let go of. The things we need to walk away from.

I know, these last few years since 2012 have been crazy too. Lots of distress for many. False starts. Bad decisions. Problems. Things that seem to have pulled us off our paths or slowed us down. And yet, all of those things were necessary. The pain was necessary.

On Friday night, using the energy of the Blue Moon we can let go of old patterns, old hurts, broken dreams. It is a powerful time for leaving relationships or jobs. We can leave disappointments behind. Sorrow behind. Grief behind.

We get to shut that door, mean it, and then open up a door to what we DO want.

Image from
Image from

What do you want? I mean, what do you really want? This Blue Moon is also supportive of calling in love relationships, soul mates, life path work, all the big picture stuff.

The thing is, you need to be clear. Conscious. Aware. You need to choose.

Are you ready? Are you brave enough, and bold enough to say YES to what you want, and leave the rest behind?

This Blue Moon will affect you whether you choose to work with it consciously or not. You may feel restless, find sleep difficult, or really be buffeted by your moods. How much more powerful to choose conscious awareness, and the deliberate act of acknowledging this force for change within our lives.

Blue Moon Summonsing Ritual

Here’s a short ritual to help you get that clarity. You’ll need a candle, some paper and a pen, matches and a bowl to burn your paper in, and two small crystals or stones. One crystal needs to buried, to signify the release of what you are giving up or ending. This will be known as your Release Stone. The other stone will be kept as a touchstone and meditation tool. This stone will be known as your Anchoring Stone.

Set aside a minimum of ten minutes for this ritual, although you may take an hour or more if you want to go deep into this energy of shift and release. This can be done at any time after midday on July 31 through to midday on August 1. I prefer to do my ritual at night, when the moon is high in the sky, but it will be effective for this 24 hour window.

These are the stones I’ll be using for my own ritual. The one on the left is a clear quartz point with silver rutile. That’s my Anchoring Stone. The one on the right is a rainforest jasper. That’s my Release Stone. These stones are about 3cm or 1.5 inches in size. Choose what feels right to you. Even a stone from the garden or beach is fine.

blue moon stones

Ritual Instructions:

Sit somewhere quiet with your paper and your stones. Light your candle, and then take the Release Stone in your hands. Close your eyes and offer up a prayer of intention, that you now be shown what is holding you back, and what needs to be let go, no matter how painful. Open your eyes, hold your stone in one hand, and with the other hand write a list of all of the things you now choose to let go, to release, and to finish. This list could be about the past, relationships, memories, actions, behaviours, attitudes, jobs or life circumstances. Start your list with the words I consciously choose to release… and finish your list with the words …and it is so. Then sign your name. Hold the paper in one hand and the stone in the other, close your eyes and offer up a prayer that the energetic burden of the contents of this list be transferred to the stone. Let the stone become heavy in your hand and then put it down on top of the paper.

Now take the Anchoring Stone in your hands. Close your eyes and offer up a prayer of intention, that you are now ready to draw into your life flow, love, health, success or whatever your specific dreams are for a brighter future. Open your eyes, hold your stone in one hand, and with the other hand write a list of all of the things you now choose to invite into your life, the actions you resolve to begin and complete, the things you desire to make manifest in the world. This list could be about designing your future career, a soul mate, improved relationships, health, financial situation, life path, big dreams, actions, behaviours, attitudes, jobs or life circumstances. Start your list with the words I consciously choose to create and to anchor… and finish your list with the words …and it is so. Then sign your name. Hold the paper in one hand and the stone in the other, close your eyes and offer up a prayer that the Anchoring Stone becomes magnetised to drawing these positive energies and opportunities into your life. Let the stone become warm in your hand and then put it down on top of the paper.

Blow out the candle and go outside (if you’re not already there!) with your stones, lists, matches and a burning bowl.

Look up to the sky and acknowledge the moon and her energy. Place both the lists on the ground with the stones on top of them.

Start by picking up the Release Stone and the Release list. Hold the stone, and set fire to the list, allowing it to burn to ash. As you do this say the words I willingly release all that no longer serves me. Then place the Release Stone on the earth.

Now pick up the Anchoring Stone and the Anchoring list. Hold the stone, and set fire to the list, allowing it to burn to ash. As you do this say the words I willingly anchor these new energies and possibilities in my life. Then place the Anchoring Stone on the earth.

Allow both of the stones to rest on the earth for one full day and night.

Then bury the Release Stone in the Earth. You are done with that now.

Take the Anchoring Stone and keep it by your bed, or in your pocket. Use it often in meditation, or simply sit and hold it, allowing your thoughts to connect in to these energies you wish to manifest in your life. Trust that change will happen. Be open to changes in your mood, your actions, your thoughts and feelings.

Honour impulses to create, to action, to start, to end, to do. You may notice radical positive change over the next few months. That’s okay. You invited it!

PS – This ritual will still work even if it is cloudy or raining and the moon is obscured. She will still be casting her energies over us. Can’t get outside? Stand or lie near a window for your burning ritual, and use a potplant to harbour your crystals and then to bury your release stone.

Image from Horsing Around In LA
Image from Horsing Around In LA
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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91 thoughts on “Blue Moon 2015 – How To Work With These Energies

  1. Hello Nicole,
    Its been a couple of months since the Blue Moon and your post, and I wanted to update you on how much your ritual has helped me. I had never done anything like this before, and previously my spiritual practices consisted of things like Novena prayers and studying the law of attraction. But as I’ve become more accepting of my intuition, I’ve also been inspired to read blogs like yours, and I found your post about the Blue Moon ritual was so well-written and inspiring that I felt comfortable enough to try it. To make a long story short, I did it, and over the past couple of months I’ve made progress on projects that have been stuck for the past 5 years! I am more free and inspired in every area in my life, and I’m finally releasing blocks that have been issues for many years now. I can’t thank you enough, and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your post and blog. This stuff works! Thanks so much:)

  2. Nicole, not sure if you read comments later on or not, but, strange thing happened! I went to get my stones after a full night and day, to bury the release stone and gather the other- they are both gone!! They were out the front, as I have only paving out the back, but Im pretty sure no one wanders over my front yard when Im not looking…
    I looked everywhere!
    Is there a meaning I could take from this? Or a plan B? 😉
    With Love, Lynley

    1. Lynley, decide that you are now super-cleansed and ready to start over. Choose a new stone as your Anchoring Stone. Hold it for a minute and imbue it with all of your hopes and dreams, then pop it outside for 24 hours OR put it in a potted plant on a window sill where it will still get natural sun and moon light for 24 hours. Much love, Nicole xx

  3. Hello Nicole! I am just beginning my journey with crystals and the metaphysical world although, as I am discovering, I have always been connected – as is my mother; my grandmother was as well. Anyway, was looking for a Blue Moon crystal routine and came across your beautiful sight. And…I used your Summonsing Ritual as my 1st ritual experience. It was awesome!! I thank you for all you do. I love reading the comments/questions, as I was wondering about the release stone and whether it could be returned to me at a later date. Got my answer…thank you! One thing that did occur to me is that I did not cleanse all my stones ( I even put all my jewelry out and was worried about a raccoon or other nocturnal critter taking an interest in my treasures and absconding with one or more! It did not happen…Yay!) So back to the cleansing….I smudged them all this morning and then wondered if I released all the moon energy. I did ask that the moon energy remain and that any negative energies release. Then, I left them in the sun for about an hour or so to recharge. Did I ruin the Blue Moon Energies? Oh, so much to learn, but feel so energized today. Thank you, thank you!! Namaste….

  4. I enjoyed the Blue Moon Ritual. One of the issues that came through strongly was to release my need to be perfect. The Ritual did not go perfectly plan and I was like shit, shit it won’t work and then I had to have a laugh and thought the Universe has just given me my first lesson in releasing perfectionism…it was great exactly as it was (not perfect). I feel more joy and blessed today. Thank you so much Nicole. The Universe is a better place having you in it!!! What an amazing gift you have. Thank you, thank you!

  5. Thank you… this was such a blessing for me to read, and has moved me to write about the emotional pivot point of walking into the future. We have to go on either way right ? Might as well take what you need and leave what you don’t. xo Sincerely, thank you.

  6. Dearest Nicole, It’s almost 10:00 PM here in Montréal (Québec, Canada) and I’ve just now finished my Blue Moon Ritual. WOW… what a GREAT feeling of release!!! You cannot imagine how this comes at the exact right moment in my life. Then again, maybe you do know, haha 🙂 This year has been all about healing… all about becoming who I truly am. Letting go. Liberation. Freedom. I feel so blessed, so relaxed, so deeply grateful. AND so very excited about what’s ahead — O the limitless possibilities! You’ve been my inspiration, my guide, my Angel — Thank you from my healing heart & soul, precious friend. May this Blue Moon bring you health and an abundance of that powerful energy of yours. All my love, Mudd xox

  7. Will this still work if I’m unable to let the stones sit on the earth for the full day and night afterward? I’m not at home tonight and won’t have access to where I’m staying to pick the rocks up when I’m supposed to?

  8. Do i leave my release stone forever? I am very partial to my stones, and don’t give them up easily.. could i use something else that is symbolic of what i’m letting go of? Or could you recommend a stone that would hold heavy loads of negative energies well? Thank you kindly for the beautiful ritual, love and good vibes always – K

    1. Hi Katie, you can leave it there forever, or leave it for one full moon cycle, which is from the full moon until the next. Then unbury, wash off, and give it a few hours in the sunshine. Don’t forget to thank it too! 🙂

  9. This ritual is similar to one that I do but I love the way you’ve incorporated the stones to help release and draw in the appropriate energies! Simple, creative, and just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing! xoxo

  10. I’m currently in the process of clearing my whole house of EVERYTHING I no longer need, anything broken, anything that can be given to charity (as some things are still usable) and I am no longer afraid of losing anything or afraid to let go. This is so important for me right now as I had a miscarriage in Feb and right now I should be 8 months pregnant. You have no idea how much I utterly believe this will help me to release every last thing that has bothered me this year and since 2012. I am ready to fully renew. For the first time in my whole 36 years on this earth, I am READY to work with myself and not against. Thank you for posting this lovely ritual. I feel truly blessed to have come across it today. Much love to you and all others who have commented on this. May we all be renewed with new found hope and faith in life, love and ourselves xxxx

  11. Thank you Nicole!!! Have just completed the ritual:-) Beautiful. May positive times come around for everyone!! It feels like such a relief!!!!! ❤️

    1. Had horrible bad dreams last night (death of a friend). Was that part of the process? Letting go of old? New beginnings?

  12. My son died today 9 yrs ago amd while I have vome to terms with his passing today I was so incredibly emotional like I havent been in such a long time. I am living my ideal life and am truly fufilled yet today I wanted to sleep and cry like a baby. My 5 yr old was sick and we ended going from a regular clinic to a clinic to wait several hrs for her to be seen. She is fine but the memories evoked was like I relived 9yrs ago. What is this all about? Releasing? Its blue moon right now in Australia and its beautiful. Im bery tired. Good night world xo

    1. Lari, it’s a big emotional cleanse you’re going though. Be gentle with yourself and know that it will pass. I’m so sorry for your loss, but our loved ones are never truly gone. They are linked to us, always, though our love. Sending much love and light your way. Bless xx

  13. I’m so excited about the blue moon tonight.. Thank you Nicole for the beautiful ritual✨feel so ready for change.. I’m off now to bask under the lovely moonlight.. ❤️🌕

  14. I will most certainly use this ritual with the other things I am planning for my Blue Moon celebration tomorrow!!! It sounds SO absolutely beautiful, that one gets inspired and excited to use its magik!!! Thank you for giving me even more inspiration for an awesome celebration tomorrow!!! Blessed Be!

  15. AMAZING! My family has been struggling for as long as I can remember to get along! And tomorrow, (the night of the blue moon) We are trying to take a trip to a hotel and enjoy a holiday with one main goal, to build our family back together, IS IT NOT CRAZY that this has been a planned event and day fro almost a year prior, before we even knew about the energy of it?!? I am delighted to know that I believe in my heart of hearts that this will work! Thank you so much!

  16. Of course, your timing is perfect, Nicole. Will definitely be doing this beautiful ritual….so appropriate for everything that is going on right now. Off to choose my crystals right now…:>) thank you so much for all your inspiration and guidance.

  17. Beautiful ritual, Nicole — I’m eager, now, for the moon to rise tomorrow over the Montana mountains — so much to release, so much good to call in!

  18. I love this and know that it is what I need to do. However, we are going away on Saturday morning and so I cannot leave the stones to rest on the earth for a full day and night. I can take them to france with me to bury or I can shorten the time. Or I guess I could leave them for 2 weeks until I get home again. What do you suggest as I would like to do this and get it right. Many thanks Jxx

  19. I will definitely do this. But we travel on Saturday morning so do I take the release stone with me or buy it at 9am before I travel? Either way it will not be on the earth for the correct amount of time. Sorry to trouble you but I know I need to do this and I want to get it right. Many thanks xx

    1. Please don’t stress about this. If you can do your list and burning during the window or as close to it as possible that will be fine. And then get your stones onto the earth for a full twenty-four hour cycle just as soon as you can. It’s okay to leave the stones longer (even much longer!), but try not to take them off after too short a time. I hope that helps 🙂

  20. I feel a majesty in this ritual that is so inspiring – thankyou Nicole. I am wondering for those of us that will not be in a position to undertake the ritual in the 24 hours recommended, but really feel called to make this sacred offering, can you offer any advice.

    1. Kalyana, just do your best. If you have time in this twenty four hours to think about your lists, then at least give a little energy to it. Hold that awareness through this time, even if you must be doing other things. Then complete the ritual as soon as is practical, while the moon still holds her fullness. Bless xx

  21. Thank you Nicole xx

    Looking forward to doing this and assisting with giving me the strength to know what is in my heart and to choose it.

    Much love and gratitude

    Jacqueline xx

  22. Ooooh exciting! I am away from today visiting a friend, who will also love to do this as well. A ritual with a friend sounds perfect to me. The whole ritual sounds beautiful. As my Nan used to say ‘You’re a treasure’ xxxx

  23. Hi Nicole ….. I’m going through a rather stressful time in my life ….. I’m new to your blog and your ideas and reasoning…. But I’m going to give it a go…. Thank you… Daisy

    1. Hi Daisy, I’m glad you’re here. Let this activity be simply an opportunity for you to focus on YOU. That’s really all that ritual does. Ritual is for the self. It puts us and the Universe on notice. It says ‘this is important to me, and I am honouring this part of my journey’. Socrates once said that a life unexamined was not worth living. To me, time for reflection and a deepening understanding of self is always worthwhile. To that end, I hope that this ritual helps you to sit with yourself and gain clarity.

      Also, who wouldn’t want to bury all that stuff we no longer need? I love the symbolism of that gesture. Returning that part of our self and our life to the earth so that it may be recycled into something else.

      Much love, Nicole xx

  24. I am looking so forward to this full moon too! I believe in my heart that I’m finally ready to let go! Scary and sad….. but oh so exciting also! I agree with Sara, “powerful times”

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