Lovely Herbal Tincture Combos to Help You Heal

Paul and his son, with a butterfly pea tincture-in-progress
Paul and his son, examining a butterfly pea tincture-in-progress

“A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.” ~ Hippocrates


My friends Paul Hardacre and Marissa Newell of Mare Maia, who make the spagyric herbal tinctures that have been so beneficial in my own journey back towards health, have just created some very good value packs with three tinctures for the price of two. Each of the three packs offers the same degree of savings, i.e. USD$75.00 worth of spagyric tinctures for just USD$50.00 – and that’s inclusive of shipping. It’s really good value!

Paul and Marissa run a small family business in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where everything is hand-crafted with love and care. I’m happy to share their products here, in the hope that you might find some benefit too!

The information and purchase details are below.

Much love, Nicole <3 xx


Relax-Max Combo


This pack features tinctures of German Chamomile, Butterfly Pea Flower and Goji Berry (one of my most favourite-ever tinctures!). The combo is great for over-thinkers, worriers, poor sleepers and anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue.

Order it here – Relax-Max Combo


Immune Boost Combo


I swear by these herbs. Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and they support good gut health as well as being jam-packed with anti-oxidants. The perfect combo to support an ailing immune system or to help your body shrug lingering low-grade infections. If you have lyme disease or co-infections I recommend this combo!

Order it here – Immune Boost Combo


Body Balance Combo


If you’re run down, suffer from auto-immune disease, are burned out from stress or things just aren’t working as well as they used to, then this is the combo for you. It supports and re-regulates the immune system, improves cognitive function, improves digestion and tonifies the organs and systems.

Order it here – Body Balance Combo


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

3 thoughts on “Lovely Herbal Tincture Combos to Help You Heal

  1. Thank you so much for this, I ordered from your post a few months ago. Please, everybody, know that these products are great! Very reliable folks, and wonderful tinctures.

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