A Shopping Day

Image from caseybrian.com
Image from caseybrian.com

“I had a dream about you. You wanted to go shopping for shoes, and I suggested we go to the bowling alley. Where else can you go to rent such stylish shoes and have a FREE game of bowling thrown in?
~ Jarod Kintz


I did something marvellous yesterday. I went shopping!

That may not sound very exciting to you, but let me explain. For the past decade I’ve lived mostly in my pyjamas, or at-home clothes. My husband drives me everywhere. Thank you, congestive heart failure and lyme disease for turning me into a fashion tragic. Shopping with Ben is never fun, it’s a chore that must be done efficiently and include hardware, electronics and possibly tractor parts or farm supplies.

Yesterday Ben dropped me at a big shopping mall in Brisbane, where I met my sister. She had already scoped out the shops online, and in two hours we managed to buy me the makings of a new wardrobe. Simone is a marvel, with a natural eye for colour and line. She gets the whole ‘style’ thing in a way that shall always remain beyond me.

We selected according to my colour fan (I’m a Light Spring), tried on, adjusted sizes and then bought. A dress, tunic tops, camisoles in jewel colours, some tailored pants, a light trenchcoat with a hood that makes me feel a little like a fairy tale character. It was fun, and easy, and not a socket, sprog or item of hardware in sight.

At lunch we met our mother for yum cha, and discussed empaths and sociopaths over dumplings, tea and custard tarts. Then we headed for the makeup counter, tried on some lovely new lippy, bought some, hugged and parted ways.

In four hours I got more shopping pleasure than I have had in years. And now I won’t have to wear pyjamas when I run my next retreat in a few weeks time. Hurrah!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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15 thoughts on “A Shopping Day

  1. So funny. . .I’ve been doing the same kinda shopping for the same reason. I’m a deeply Saturnian Cappy, however, so I’ll meet your Light Spring with Mysterious Winter–even found a little Japanese Kabuki robe to go over my “boyfriend” pajamas. It’s good to be a girl. . .however we adorn ourselves. May joy multiply as we meet and greet.

  2. Oh Nicole I am so happy for you 😃😃😃😃 that day would like pure heaven to me . Call me shallow I don’t care …a little retail therapy works …trust me ❤️

  3. Nothing like a little shopping for some pretty clothes, a delicious lunch and good conversation with people you love. It is just as important as a prescription drug or a session with the therapist.
    Also glad to hear that your clothing advisor directed you to your “colors” based on your skin tone. Knowing your colors not only cuts down shopping time but you glow in the clothing you purchased. Too often I see people wearing the wrong colors and they look sick.
    I am soon happy to hear that you are feeling better, getting out and enjoying your life!

  4. Your story has made my day Nicole. I am soooo happy for you. And the day was spiced up with spending time with your incredibly gifted sister, clothes that you love and will be a pleasure to wear and a relaxing lunch with your mum included. Perfecto!! You’ve come a long way. xx

  5. It sounds like the perfect day, especially as you got to spend it with your sister and mum. I love a bit of a shop with my best friend. Throw in lunch and a new lipstick and I’m happy and content for days. I’m glad you enjoyed your day Nicole. I think it was very well deserved.

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