Selflessness or Self Sacrifice? – Monday Oracle 11 September 2017

“There are two kinds of guilt: the kind that drowns you until you’re useless, and the kind that fires your soul to purpose.”
~ Sabaa Tahir

Hello, Lovelies!

If you read my forecast for September, you’ll know that it’s a month of possibility and expansive energy, of change and curiosity, and of starting small projects that may take a long time, but that we care about deeply. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts which the oracle card Guilt brings us this week.

So, what awareness does Guilt bring us this week?

The overwhelming message this week is to stop doing for others what they could do for themselves, and to use your time on what matters to you!

Expect strong emotions this week, and use them as your compass. Projects, people and places may call to you. Maybe you want to dive right in to a new art project. Perhaps you’re deep in a renovation and all you want to do is keep going while your energy is high. You may feel compelled to spend time in nature, or hanging out with a friend. Or maybe you’re the opposite and you’ll feel the need to disconnect and be on your own for a while to recharge your batteries.

You may also be feeling guilty, resentful or angry because there are relationships, duties or tasks calling on your time, and you’d rather be somewhere else, doing something else!

Your emotions will help to show you your priorities and what truly matters to you on a soul level this week. Look to what excited you or engages you. Tune in to any anger or resentment you feel too. That will also tell you something. If you are tired of being the one who puts in all the effort in a relationship, if you’re feeling guilty because you’re spending time with someone out of duty when you’d much rather be anywhere else, if you’re pretending not to mind supporting someone else when really you feel taken for granted – all of these situations show you clearly what isn’t working for you.

This week pay attention to your feelings and let them show you where to put more of your energy and where to put less. It’s not selfish to look after your own needs, and there is little point in wasting precious time and energy on people and situations who have little regard for your efforts.

If self-sacrifice means you are sacrificing yourself in order to please or appease others then the price is too high. Selfless giving doesn’t cost your soul – it fills you up with love or gratitude or satisfaction instead. Make sure your service comes from selflessness! (How can you tell the difference? Tune in to your feelings. Are you drained {self sacrifice} or filled up {selflessness}? There’s your answer.)

This week brings great emotional clarity about life priorities, but with that clarity may also come the realisation that you can’t keep doing what you’ve always done. It may suddenly become urgent for you to make changes that allow what’s important to you to take more space in your life. That’s okay. Honour your needs and make those changes.

Supportive crystals this week?

Ocean Jasper is a healing stone that promotes deep rest and relaxation, that attunes us to our feelings, and that gives us perspective and clarity with projects and situations. Rose Quartz is a stone of love and nurture – the crystal world equivalent of a great big reassuring hug, a soothing cup of tea and a best friend to hold your hand through life’s challenges. Amazonite will help you to bravely make changes.

Image from Woodlights Woudlicht

Helpful essential oils?

Each of the following oils will work beautifully on their own for you this week, but they also make a delicious combination for diffusing. Frankincense elevates our mood and promotes spiritual connection and intuition, Lavender keeps us in flow and relaxed,  Ylang Ylang opens our hearts and is supportive when we feel anxious or overwhelmed, and Orange for joy, gratitude and optimism. To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser. You can find the oils here.

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Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for a you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Guilt’, is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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3 thoughts on “Selflessness or Self Sacrifice? – Monday Oracle 11 September 2017

  1. I did this tonight, mostly. I almost always get mum her night time meds. Tonight, after her 8pm shot, I let her do her own. I did supervise, but I didn’t write them down or get them for her. And on Saturday? I ran off for 30 min to the beach and later took around 45 on the lake. Happy Sigh!

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