The Life Giving Properties Of Cheese

I’d had no idea that cheese was a miracle.

Jennifer L. Holm

Poor Harry Dog.

We took him back to the vet yesterday, because he was still not eating or drinking after his surgery.

Ben had tried to tempt him with food for two days.

Barbequed chicken.

Fresh beef mince.

Dog snacks.

Puppy treats.

Nup. Harry didn’t want any of it. He was a whimpering ball of misery, and we were headed that way too.

The vet couldn’t get him to eat either, but did manage to top up his anti-inflammatories and told us to bring him back again today for a check up.

When we got Harry home yesterday we still couldn’t get him to eat.

Until Ben tried a piece of stinky cheese.

Harry lifted his head and sniffed it wearily. It engaged his interest enough that he sniffed it again, and then tentatively took it in his mouth.

To our delight he didn’t spit it out. He ate it, and then, after a moment he nudged Ben’s hand, hoping for another piece.

I totally get that. Any cheese lover would. Cheese totally has life-giving qualities.

Harry has now eaten a little of the chicken, a morsel of the mince, and had a few sips of water.

I am relieved to say that things are finally looking up, now that he is eating again.
Hopefully he’ll get a better report from the vet today.

Three cheers from this grateful Mumma. Hip Hip Hooray!
Love and cheesy kisses, Nicole x

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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10 thoughts on “The Life Giving Properties Of Cheese

  1. I understand Harry totally. I also can not eat when I feel unwell. By the years I found out that potatoe-soup is my rescue in such situations. Maybe he likes that too :-).

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