Magical Leaf Oracle – A Reading for Nurture and Guidance

Leaf Collage Portrait by raerae92
Leaf Collage Portrait by raerae92

“and the leaves were telling secrets to the wind.” 

~ Peter Mulvey

Nature is one place I always find nurture and inspiration. So today I’ve used nature, and that potent symbol of life and growth – the leaf – to gift you clarity and reassurance about where you’re at right now.

Each leaf also comes with suggestions for crystals and activities to support you energetically, emotionally and physically.

Instructions for using today’s post

Scroll down through the following magical leaf images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your magical leaf, scroll further down for your message, designed to help you feel guided and nurtured.

I hope you enjoy today’s offering.  I deeply enjoyed putting it together for you, and it is shared with much love.

Perhaps you might even consider heading outdoors to find a magical leaf or two yourself!

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx

Let Nature Guide You…

1. New Growth

Image by HD Wallpapers
Image by HD Wallpapers

2. Rich Awakenings

Image from bhmpics
Image from bhmpics

3. Hidden Treasure

Image by Nicole Cody
Image by Nicole Cody

4. Vibrant Striving

Image from Wikipedia
Image from Wikipedia

5. Sanctuary

Image by Devil and Egg
Image by Devil and Egg

6. Foundations

Image by Nicole Cody
Image by Nicole Cody

7. Life Force

Image from Reclaiming Nature
Image from Reclaiming Nature

8. Purple Cloud

Image from flickie
Image from flickie

♥ The Guidance and Nurturing Gift of each Leaf ♥

Each magical leaf has a message for you. I have also selected crystals to best support the message and energies of your leaf.  You could wear or hold a crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here)

The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.


1.  New Growth – Becoming more of what’s aligned to your Highest Good. Now is a great time to begin any plans for expanding, learning and becoming. All forms of study are encouraged and it’s vital that you gather to you a supportive community as you grow and transform. An excellent time for beginning new ventures and creating positive change. Keep annoying and negative people at arm’s length, or tune them out altogether. Focus on where YOU want to go. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.   Best Crystals – Green Chrysoprase, Fluorite   Power Word – GROWTH   Magical Healing Environment – Uplifting company, libraries, workshops, and time alone with your journal and a pen  Make this all about you, and about connecting with people and places that support this upgraded version of yourself. Go new places, try new things, break your old patterns and routines.

2.  Rich Awakenings – Confidence, clarity and direction. This is a time for blossomings. A time for you to emerge from the cocoon and begin weaving your own special brand of magic in the world. A time for truly owning your talents and gifts. Make a plan and be bold enough to then invest energy in that plan. It’s time to get yourself out there – working, teaching, talking, healing. You’re no beginner anymore. Let’s do this! Best Crystals – Any Jasper and Bloodstone  Power Word – SELF AWARENESS  Magical Healing Environment – Your Office, Studio or favourite Thinking Space  Time to be getting those good ideas down on paper, and developing products, services, renovations, businesses or whatever else is tickling your fancy.

3.  Hidden Treasure – Inner Gifts To Be Expressed.  Sometimes the blessings in our life and the key to where we can flourish and shine were right here inside us all along. Stop looking outside of yourself. What things have you always enjoyed? What are the things people ask you to help them with, or to advise on? What do you already know? What ideas and half-completed projects can be taken out and polished up? What simple idea can you run with right now? You are more than you give yourself credit for. Time to see yourself in a new way.   Best Crystals – Peacock Ore (Bornite or Chalcopyrite) or Rutilated Quartz  Power Word – SELF EXPRESSION ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Reconnecting with your life history.  Photo albums, journals, old course notes, places you used to live, favourite people, favourite haunts, favourite music and activities from your past, bookshops and places that remind you of your best self.

4.  Vibrant Striving – Positive Self Nurture. This is a time in your life for focusing on health, vitality, fitness, fertility and well-being. You may also have gifts in this area to share with others. Detox your body and detox your environment. It’s time to heal, to energise and revitalise. Welcome movement, fresh air, sunshine, lots of good clean water and laughter into your life. Do all you can to feel and look fantastic. If you’re called to it, work on helping others shine with vibrant health too.  Best Crystals – Clear Quartz or Citrine  Power Word – VITALITY  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Healers, gyms, swimming pools, the ocean, yoga classes, farmers’ markets – whatever nourishes your body and your soul  Choose foods and activities that fill you with energy and that help you to be all that you can be.

5.  Sanctuary – Cocooning ourselves in love Retreat from the hurry and bustle of the world. Take a pillow, a book, some treats, a loved one – whatever works for you. Create a space where you can rest and feel safe, pampered and secluded, Rest allows time for our subconscious to incubate new ideas and bold plans, but the rest must come before the regeneration can happen. No more overgiving. Set clear boundaries. Make yourself unavailable. Unplug for a while.   Best Crystals – Rose Quartz and Mangano Calcite  Power Word – NURTURE  Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere restful that allows you freedom, safety and solitude. Weekends at home, weekends away, pillow time, hammocks, vacations, health retreats and a little TLC or romance. Or both!

6.  Foundations – Realising your own strength  I know times have been hard recently, but things are turning around. Expect solutions and breakthroughs. Expect to turn the corner. Expect Divine Intervention, and help from loved ones, ancestors, friends and benevolent strangers. You are building the foundation of a strong new life. One founded on integrity and wisdom. The hard road was worth it. Keep working towards your dreams, and don’t give up. Trust!  Best Crystals – Smoky Quartz and Black Tourmaline  Power Word – SUCCESS   Magical Healing Environment – Meditation, quiet time and reflection.  Long walks, time in nature or at a favourite coffee shop. Time to think, to connect, to honour the path. Time to recharge and be still.

7.  Life Force – That energy which connects all things  This is a time of synchronicity, of powerful new connections and relationships, of magical moments and unexpected unfoldings. A time for meeting people or making decisions that profoundly affect your future. A time when you may well feel as if part of your life or your actions are being guided by an unseen hand. It’s important to honour that intuition and flow.  Be open to new possibilities and directions. Be prepared for all you know to be turned upside down so that it can be made better than you could have imagined. Be brave. Say YES to life and to love. Best Crystals – Moss or Tree Agate or a Herkimer Diamond  Power Word – FLOW   Magical Healing Environment – Being in the moment.  Wherever you are, be there. Whomever you are with, give them your undivided attention. Make every task a meditation. BE present. BE aware. Remember to breathe. 🙂

8.  Purple Cloud – Spiritual connection, community and belonging  It’s time to find your tribe. That might be energy from the spiritual realms, or new friends who live in your neighbourhood. It could be an online community or an interest group.  When we have an interest, a passion, a dream – it’s always better to surround ourselves with others who are just as excited about that same thing. Darling, don’t do this alone!!!  Be a friend and mentor to others. Invite friends and mentors into your own life. Sharing creates its own kind of magic  Best Crystals – Amethyst and Sodalite   Power Word – CONNECTION  Magical Healing Environment – Wherever your tribe might hang out.  University, garden club, art classes, dance studio, meditation group, writers’ group, choir, charity group, environmental group, church, spiritual space, on horses or surfboards,

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

14 thoughts on “Magical Leaf Oracle – A Reading for Nurture and Guidance

  1. Wow, I’m writing through my tears. Visually beautiful, and spot frickin’ on! Thank you so much. I chose Foundation, didn’t even look at the ones beyond. I’ve been feeling a bit frayed — a lot frayed — and very fragile lately. And the oracle for that leaf! Wowowow. Okay, I’m moving beyond praying for Divine Intervention and help to expecting it.

    Love and blessings,

  2. I’m quite the tired bunny and can’t remember the names (I know lol) but 7 pips out a tied 4 and 8. Given what I’m currently in the middle of attending….. Thank you, love and light xo

  3. Just perfect as always Nic. I was very much drawn to foundations and this is just so apt for me right now. thank you for caring and sharing. Love to you <3

  4. Wow Nicole – I have been following your “Positive Change program” and there was affirmation in my choice/s today. I couldn’t decide between 2 so chose them both – Purple Cloud and Rich Awakenings. And believe it or not, as we speak, I am trying to create a life-changing business that follows my passions and dreams; furthermore I want to create a “community” of the like-minded (via online technology). Last week I began to have massive doubts and I “lost my peace of mind”. Your exercise has just helped reinforce the fact that I must remain on my path – thank you – the universe is telling me important messages Hugs and huge thx XXX

  5. feeling like adam and eve with all these leaves!!! love it – number 2 for me, suprise suprise!!! what delightful fun! you could make card sets from all these oracles – hope you’re well! sx

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