A Cleansing Storm

Image from australiasevereweather.com
Image from australiasevereweather.com

“…I don’t just wish you rain, Beloved – I wish you the beauty of storms…”
~ John Geddes, A Familiar Rain


I came home late yesterday afternoon to our little farm.

The heat and humidity were oppressive and you could feel that rising tension that always signals a storm.

Sure enough, after nightfall a low rumble began.

The sky, which all day had been fringed by gathering cloud, was lit from behind with a light show worthy of a festival.

Still the heat clung, and the air was soupy and thick.

The rumbling escalated, and lightning arced between the clouds, or shot bolts down deep into the ground.

We waited.

Finally the rain came.

The sky shuddered and a gentle wind blew its cooling stream across the paddocks. The earth signed with pleasure and a slow rain began to fall.

I was lulled to sleep by that hypnotic pitter-patter of rain on the tin roof, the smell of damp fresh earth sweet and heavy in the air.

This morning everything is clean and calm. The air has a hint of Autumn to it.

It is so good to fill my lungs with peace and hope and goodness.

Wishing you a beautiful, heart-connected day today <3 xoxo


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

6 thoughts on “A Cleansing Storm

  1. Hello Nicole, what a stunningly beautiful picture of that rose 🙂 I love waking up after rain. We had some storms last weekend so everything looks lovely again. We are very lucky as some people have had very little rain again this summer. I loved your essential oil meditation as well – really easy to do! Thank you and much love to you! Emma x

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