Planner Update, Christmas Office Hours and a Big Thank You!

“Rest and be thankful.” 
William Wordsworth


It’s Christmas Eve, and I would like to send a big thank you to our Cauldrons and Cupcakes family for your support throughout 2017, and particularly for your support of our Year of ME community and our first ever hard-copy Year of ME Planner for 2018.

I’m excited to report that our first print-run is completely sold out! But it’s not too late for you to secure yours. Our second limited-edition print run goes into production on January 2, and Dana will have them all packaged up and ready to ship to you a few days after that. This will be a limited run, so if you are keen to secure yours please order through our online store as soon as possible so we can be sure to have one ready for you. Meanwhile you’ll be able to access the digital copy if you’re eager to get started before your hard-copy Planner arrives.

Dana and our team are taking a well-earned break over the Christmas period, and will be back in the office on January 2. Thank you for your patience while they spend time with their families and loved ones. We aim to live by the values we share here on our blog, and so we’ll all be stepping away over this period, although I will still have a few key blog posts for you, as well as some holiday-snap sharing on Instagram and Facebook.

Thanks too for your patience as Dana has coped with the absolute inundation of pre-Christmas orders, as well as navigating a sick child, email overload, Paypal, long queues in crowded Post Offices, me being in Hong Kong and life in general. All outstanding orders as of yesterday are now processed, and Dana is now on leave. Massive hugs to her for her efforts. She was so determined to get all your orders processed before the office closed! We just love her to bits!!!

If you missed my post yesterday you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve uploaded recordings of my 15 December 2017 channellings for purchase. There is over 90 minutes of guidance there about the energies of 2018, as well as information on health, wellbeing, relationships and developing your intuitive and empathic abilities.

Stay tuned for my special Christmas Gift for you tomorrow, and thanks again for supporting our Year of ME Planner and Community. If you haven’t joined us yet we’d love to have you. You’ll be among friends for a year of sharing, growth and support in a group of caring, like-minded souls. (All details in our store)

Okay, I’m waving goodbye now too – today’s the day Ben and I embark on our cruise around Vietnam and Taiwan after a fabulous few days in Hong Kong. (That’s us below, on a Hong Kong tram after a wonderful night out with friends!)

Biggest hugs and much love to you all, Nicole ❤ xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

7 thoughts on “Planner Update, Christmas Office Hours and a Big Thank You!

  1. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you NIcole! I am so excited that I will be receiving one of your ME planners this year! I treated myself even though the postage to the US was a huge expense…..I figure this planner is going to help me so much in my life and business! Sending you lots of love and hope that you are enjoying your vacation with Ben as much as possible 🙂

  2. Lovely pic…it made me smile. Thanks for all your blogs and energy throughout the year. Happy Christmas and Happy travels to you both. xx

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