Salt Water (and food) Is The Cure For Everything


the ocean

can calm itself,

so can you.


are both

salt water

mixed with


Nayyirah Waheed

Hey, Lovelies.

I had one of those days yesterday.

My laptop decided to freeze up and stop co-operating. It’s about to die, but I need to make it last until I can get a new one.

The printer died the day before, and I just couldn’t seem to make the new printer install properly.

Nothing was going right.

My stress levels were rocketing.

So, my wise husband suggested that I step away from the tech and he took me down to the beach for lunch.

An hour of salty breeze, sand between my toes and a delicious meal, and I was ready to go back and do battle with my errant tech.

Finally, everything is fixed or lurching along again.

Thank goodness for Ben, beaches and surf club kiosks with great food!

I hope you have a great weekend, lots of love, Nicole xx

PS – Lunch was a steak sandwich. Ben got fries with his, and he shared! I love that!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3161

2 thoughts on “Salt Water (and food) Is The Cure For Everything

  1. That looks like heaven, what a beautiful place. You’re absolutely right, a bit of sea air cures everything. I had a very vivid dream about you last night and one of your dogs was in it!! Bizarre

  2. Ahh that’s the life Nicole…enjoy, enjoy…that sandwich looks really good….making me hungry although its nearly bedtime on this side of the world….enjoy that salt water and the clear blue open beautiful sky…xxx

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