Making Space In Your Life


“Find a moment of stillness, give your heart a chance to tell you where you really need to be.”

~ Dodinsky

Hey, Lovelies!

Today, I want to remind you about the importance of making space.

When we create space in our lives, and then sit quietly with the emptiness we have created, magic can happen.

How do you create space?

Unplug for a while.

Do things that empty your mind; like yoga or breathwork, journalling or art, running or meditating, bushwalking or dancing to awesome music. You’ll know what works for you.

Physically declutter your living and work spaces.

Simplify your schedule.

Say no to more busy-ness and yes to more of nothingness.

Find places and spaces that support you to be quiet, and still.

Let go of drama, and of people whose lives are drama-filled. If you can’t manage that (it’s hard when we love, live or work with people whose lives are messy) then set good boundaries and maintain them.

Take time to be still, contemplative and open.

In this quiet space, healing happens.

Answers come.

Clarity finds you.

Creativity and all kinds of other positive energies can bud forth.

I love this quote from Albert Einstein – it holds so much truth:


“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.”

~ Albert Einstein

I’m actively making space in my life right now.

Gee, it feels soooooooo good.
How about you? Do you need some space? How can you make that happen?

Even five minutes a day reclaimed for yourself can make a difference, but I hope you create much more than that!
And please, whatever you do, don’t then feel guilty about ‘doing nothing’ or for taking time for yourself.
Hugs, love, and the relief of room in my own schedule, Nicole xx

Need Some Help?

Stuck in your head and need a better path forward? It’s not too late to grab a hard copy or digital copy of my 2022 Journeymaker’s Planner, which is available at a massive discount in my ETSY Store. This also makes a great gift. It comes with a free course, and if you need encouragement, direction and inspiration it’s a fantastic tool. Get yours here!



Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3161

2 thoughts on “Making Space In Your Life

  1. Yesterday I read a book, that I read first more than 20 years ago. It is “Dreamcatcher” by Marlo Morgan. You know it? It is about a woman who made a walkabout with an old Aborigine-tribe (is that the right word?). The tribe decided that they will not reproduce themthelves because their living environment will be destroyed and they will not find enough food and water to sustain future generations. And now, in the midst of all the horrible news about the Ukraine-war I read about the devastating flood in parts of Australia actually, after the devastating fires some years ago, and I think they were right. It is so sad. And frightening.

  2. I have read your blog for many years, not everyday, but from time to time. It always brightened my day. However, your message today is a sign from the universe that when the student is ready, the teacher appears! It is short and to the point, beautifully written, and just what I have set as an intention. Your words have reinforced the new chapter I have begun in my soul, and I thank you so much for your inspiration about making space. You are a healer from the universe full of love and on International Women’s Day, I salute your wisdom

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