Everybody needs a place to call home, or, my little farm and what it means to me

One’s home is like a delicious piece of pie you order in a restaurant on a country road one cozy evening – the best piece of pie you have ever eaten in your life – and can never find again.  After you leave home, you may find yourself feeling homesick, even if you have a new home that has nicer wallpaper and a more efficient dishwasher than the home in which you grew up.  ~Lemony Snicket

I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.  ~George Washington

Everyone needs somewhere to call home – a safe place that makes their heart sing, and their soul fill with peace and joy. I searched for this place for a long time, and finally, it found me.

My farm, in the Byron Hinterland, is no mansion. It’s the original timber getter’s cottage, built around 1860, when the area was still all magnifient cedar, teak, beech and rainforest scrub.

It’s tiny, and humble, and although it has been modified by the few people who’ve owned it between the timber getter and me, it still has that pioneer energy.

The house is nestled against a hill, with an old organic citrus orchard and my vegetable gardens  up behind us.

All around are lush green pastures and patches of remnant rainforest.

To one side is the river, and to the other is a creek, filled with platypus, eels and turtles. We have a rain-filled dam that is home to many water birds and a spring-fed dam that gives us year round clean water.

There is an incredible energy here.  There are huge old trees surrounding the front and sides of the house like a protective arc, and the property sits on a songline. Here I feel safe, connected and deeply peaceful.

There’s no TV, no radio.  I have computer access when I need to connect with the world, but much of my time is spent writing, listening to music or the sounds of nature, reading books and meditating, or working on the farm and gardens.

There’s a big kitchen table so I can share meals with friends and neighbours, and a double-doored oven for cooking up tasty treats. A spare bed and a comfy couch for guests.

I have a wonderful herd of cows – Droughtmasters and Murray Greys. I spend a lot of time in their company – they are such gentle and inoffensive animals, and they infuse me with calm.  Wallabies graze the paddocks, wedgetail eagles soar above me, and at night we have a host of owls keeping watch.

From every window I see greenery.  And up every road is a caring neighbour.

My little home is my sanctuary – the place that fills me up and lets me keep doing what I do.  A refuge in stormy seas, and a wonderful place for spiritual connection any time.

I’m glad to be able to share a little of its energy with you.  Welcome, friends! ♥

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

41 thoughts on “Everybody needs a place to call home, or, my little farm and what it means to me

  1. Oh I love this! The beauty of your home really radiates through your post – I can even feel some of it’s energy :-).

    I dearly miss having a real ‘home’. Since leaving the home I grew up in, I have never felt settled. I yearn for somewhere I can feel really at peace and happy.

    1. Mine found me! I’d been looking for years, and one day an Agent rang and said she knew of a place that might be coming on the market. We drove up the driveway and I knew I was home. Magic. Wishing you a similar experience. xx

  2. That’s beautiful. Your words and pictures paint a very pleasing, restful scene. I’m glad you’ve found your little piece of heaven there and it was interesting to read a bit more about your life. Nice hats too!

    1. I love that hats pic. Three of the big strapping lads from the farm up the road came to give a hand with fencing and when they joined us on the verandah for a cuppa they lined up their filthy boots on the step, and their hats on the rail!

  3. Just gorgeous, Nicole. Your words convey the calm gentleness of your home through and through. However, as soon as I saw the picture of the ducks that calm was shattered as I yelled (as I always do…) DUCKIESSSSS!!! Ah well, love the duckies! 😉

    Also, as Mani has asked above, what is a songline?

    1. A songline is an energetic road or line that traverses part of the earth. Explained well and briefly here. We also have an intersecting leyline. It’s a pretty cool place energetically speaking!

      I love those duckies too, and I often visit them at the dam, especially when it’s raining. They are always so happy in the rain. 😀

  4. Nicole, I love the way you described where we can call home. – “a safe place that makes their heart sing, and their soul fill with peace and joy.” I now realise in on sentence why I love driving up our long, windy and bumpy dirt driveway where the birds and animals welcome me HOME. 🙂

  5. I heart your little farm Nicole. What a blissful place to live and recharge. My new reno suburban house is slowly turning “farm like” since we got the dog, the lorikeet and 5 chickens. No cows yet! LOL! One day, my menagerie and family will have a cottage just like yours. The Gumboots are quivering with anticipation. Thank you for sharing your piece of heaven on earth. Love You. X

  6. What an amazing place. Home is very important to me also. We are renting right now, but we’ve filled these four walls with love, graciousness, compassion, and peace. I have no doubt that your home is filled with the same divine energy.

    1. I don’t think it matters whether it’s a tent, a shed, a renter, a place you own, a room in someone else’s mansion… It’s how you treat that space and the energy you infuse it with.
      How could your home NOT be a reflection of your own love, grace, compassion and peace, Brenda? Bless xx

  7. It sounds a true haven and you have that because that is what you resonate. You are truly fortunate and we are truly fortunate because you share with us. Thank you.

  8. Hi,
    It is great when we find a place that we are comfortable living in and are able to call home. You look like you have a lot of nature around you, that must be fantastic, it looks so quiet and peaceful, very nice indeed. 🙂

  9. I love your home Nicole. I also love my home space. I love creating that wonderful feeling of sacred space. I notice that when people come visit – first thing they notice, feel is the sense of peace and calm. I love lighting candles in the evening, have incense or the oil burner filling our home with the frangrance of rose oil whatever fragrant incense takes my fancy. My home is my refuge, I love being here, I walk out on the back verandah and look out on beautiful trees. In the evening we see the Gateway Bridge lit with colour in the distance. I love my home, and wherever I am in whatever house I live in I make it safe, sacred, filled with love and light and love when people come to visit and experience our little bit of heaven

  10. I’m going to breathe in a little of that energy and take it to work with me today!!! Big happy contented smile 🙂 Glad you’re feeling better xo

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